Those Imbiciles

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We were in the living room. The boys on the enormously long couch, and me alone on the love seat. Simon was across from the boys, glaring at them. I refused to look them in the eyes. I was still seriously hurt from the things they said.

"Well?" Simon said breaking the silence.

"Well what." The guy will the curly hair snapped. I think his name is Harry?

"Do you guys know who she is?" Simon said calmly.

"A slut?"
"A hoe?"
"A bitch?"
"A witch!"
"A money whore?"

Tears start to pool up in my eyes. I still continue to not look at them.

"No, She's the exact opposite." He pauses. The boys faces look confused. "She's my niece." That shocks them. Their eyes go wide, and their jaws drop.

"Oh please tell me your kidding." Says Harry.
"Her name is Arrabelle Cowell." He looks at me and silently asks if he can tell them. I gently nod. "Her parents, my brother and step-sister, died in a car crash 2 years ago. She's been in a foster home ever since." He says looking sad. "No one wanted her, and I didn't find out until 2 weeks ago that I had a niece." His face hardens as he looks at the boys again. "And you guys nearly ran her out. From now on, you will treat her with the respect that she deserves, and none of you can go to party's for 3 weeks. Got it? Good." Leaving no room for argument, he comes over to me. "I have to go and sort out some papers. Feel free to wonder the house, and don't hesitate to call me if you need something ok?" I nod. He steps back and walks out of the room. I'm left alone with the boys.

"Ok, let me start off by saying-" the blonde hair guy starts speaking until I cut him off.
"No, it's okay. I don't blame you. I won't get in your way either." With that, I get up and head up into the kitchen. 'I hope Simon doesn't mind me using up ingredients.' I get out enough ingredients for everyone, including the boys. I figure I should give back for letting me stay in the house. I put a huge pot on the stove and start making spaghetti, the way my mom used to. I start making the sauce and garlic bread rolls. 2 hours later, everything is complete. I set the table, and was just putting the food on the table when Simon walks through. His eyes widen and he looks at me. "You did this?" I nod my head and go back to get cups for everyone. "BOYS, DINNER IS READY!" I place the cups on the table and look at the chairs. There is 6. One for Simon, and five for the boys. They rush down and gawk at the food on the table. The blond haired one looks like he's in heaven. They take their places and immediately start digging in. When I go get a plate, there's no more food. Simon takes note of this as well and scowls at the boys. I quickly intervene though. "It's okay Simon, I can fix me something." I say with a small smile. "Are you sure?" He asks skeptically. I look at the boys and see the guilty looks on their faces. I look back at Simon. "Of course." I go in the kitchen and look for anything I can whip up. Sadly, I don't see anything so I let it go. I can eat tomorrow.

I walk back into the dinning room, and stand very awkwardly. Simon looks at me and says "Did you get your dinner? Oh, do you need a chair?" He looks worried, and was about to stand up, but I quickly spoke "No, no I'm okay. My dinner is baking in the oven. And I'll just go upstairs and eat it." Yes I know I lied, but if it helps him feel better, then so be it. I walk away and into the kitchen, and take the back way to the stairs. The instant I fell on the bed, I was out.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2016 ⏰

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