6. Hawkmoth's Challenge

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HEY GUYS!! Ughhhhhh, who else agrees that school, SUCKS! I had so much freaking homework, and I just started my new swim team. The only reason I'm able to write right now is because we had practice this morning.

Also, I'm having boy trouble (Insert eyeroll). I would rant to you guys, but you guys probably just want me to write. :) It helps release my frustration!

Soooooo, READ ON!


After rehearsing with Chat, we were finally ready to become champs tonight. I walked into Miraculous that night with full blown confidence. I looked around for my friends, but no one was here yet. So I decided to go hang with Tikki.

I knocked on the door, and a man wearing all black, had black hair, hard green eyes, and smelled exactly like cheese opened the door.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"I-uh, came to see Tikki." I stated nervously.

He sighed and gestured me in. Then he walked out and slammed the door. I looked at Tikki and she was shaking her head.

"Sorry about that. Plagg can be a little temperamental." Tikki laughed. "You get used to him."

"Does he always smell like cheese?" I chuckled.

Tikki sighed. "Unfortunately. Man, he loves Camembert."

"Oh." Is all I said.

She asked, "Is Cat Noir here yet? Or your two friends?"

I shook my head. "And I literally know no one else."

"Well, let me introduce you to them!" She exclaimed, and dragged me out of the room.

"Okay?" I laughed unsurely.

When we reached the club, she took me near the bar. We sat down, and she ordered two drink.

"You see that boy right there?" She asked, gesturing to a guy spray painting the wall.

I nodded, and she said, "That's the Evillustrator. Doesn't really dance, but he paints ads all around the city for us. Right now, he's updating the champion wall."

I looked at a boy spray painting a wall. He had a purple snapback covering his messy orange hair, a purple painted mask, a black and white striped t-shirt, purple sweats, and purple and white sneakers. He had cans of spray paint scattered around his feet.

 "And those two are new!" She said pointing at two girls standing in the corner. "They're names are Vanisher and Antibug."

Vanisher had orange hair as well, but with purple highlights. A purple painted mask covered her dull green eyes, she had a light green crop top shirt, purple mini skirt, with green leggings, and purple sneakers. She was smiling, laughing, and having fun. She seemed more of a follower.

The other girl, I took MUCH notice too. She was wearing the almost exact same thing as me. Antibug had her blonde hair held in a ponytail and a black and red mask covering her dark blue eyes. She had a black crop top with red spots, black sweats, and red sneakers.

"She says she'll be the next Ladybug." Tikki stated.

I rolled my eyes, "As if."

Tikki chuckled and continued. She named Reflekta, Princess Fragrance, Time Breaker, Copy Cat (who wore a costume similar to Chat's), the Puppeteer (who looked almost 10), the Horrificator, Dark Cupid, Stormy Weather, Stone Heart, Kung Food (the bartender), Guitar Villain (who sometimes performed), the Gamer, the Pharaoh, the Mime, Darkblade, Mr. Pigeon, Simon Says, the Pixelator, Roger Cop, and Animan.

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