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"Are you going to tell me what's going on now?" Alec asked his boyfriend as they arrived at the edge of a forest. Magnus had portalled them nearby when he'd regained enough strength to do so, but still refused to inform him of what was going on until they were alone.

"The demon that killed Ragnor Fell, well it's master didn't only want him dead. I'm in deep trouble Alec" He replied sincerely, his face covered in many lines of worry.

"But I thought it was Valentine that wanted Ragnor dead because of what he knew about the Book of White" Alex replied, trying not to sound too worried although he could feel himself internally shaking.

"So did I Alec, but clearly we have some other evildoer to deal with now"
Alec wanted to laugh at Magnus' choice of words but evildoer didn't sound as funny and harmless today as it normally would. Magnus was terrified and that, in turn, made Alec terrified.

"What do we do?" He asked instead, the only question that he thought wouldn't send Magnus over the edge.

"I know a way, to find the person who's controlling the demon, but it's dangerous there." He replied solemnly.

"And where exactly is that?" Alec asked, he couldn't tell if he was feeling more curious or scared.

"It's an alternate dimension, one where Shadowhunters haven't existed for a long time because demons haven't either. In that universe is a copy of the book of souls, a book that was destroyed years ago in our dimension. It holds the answer to every secret and if I can find it and bring it back here I can find out who's after me"

"I'm coming with you"

"I was afraid you might say that Alexander. You see, as wary as I am to put you in danger, you are in just as much danger here and by any means you would also be a huge help over there" Magnus replied. Alec noticed his voice has become almost a whisper. He went to reply before realised he heard a quiet crunch of leaves, the result of somebody approaching them.

"Magnus, somebody's coming." He warned his boyfriend as he grabbed a seraph dagger from his belt. "Raphael" he whispered and the dagger began to glow.

"Put the weapon away Alexander, who comes to us is at present a friend rather than foe" Magnus told Alec sternly and put his arm on Alec's to push the dagger away.

"What do you mean at present, you think they could turn on us?" Alec asked, raising the dagger again.

"I mean, they shall remain friendly until you point a weapon at them and then I shouldn't be surprised if they grow to dislike us." Magnus' tone was blunt and Alec automatically lowered his weapon. Behind his back his fist was still tightly clenched.

"And who is it that we're meeting" Alec asked, his tone had become cold but Magnus was too busy staring into the forest to notice.

Before Magnus could reply, a shadow emerged from the trees and it was only when the light of the moon began to shine on his face that Alec realised it was Meliorn, the half fairy who tricked his friends and himself during Sebastian's reign of terror.

"I thought you fled" Alec snarled, even the sight of the creature made him fill with anger and he wanted to kill him for the danger he had put Alec's friends and especially Magnus in.

"Magnus called upon me to do a favour which I owe him after all my crimes. No matter what you think of me Alec Lightwood, I am not a man to refuse a debt." Meliorn replied simply. Normally Alec would have been relieved to hear these words come out of a faeries mouth as they could not lie, but Meliorn had already proved that by not being pure fairy he was perfectly capable of lying and could trick anyone he wanted.

"So you've changed have you, seen the error of your ways?" Alec asked sarcastically, not willing to believe anything that came out of his mouth.

"Do I believe that my queen was wrong in following Jonathan Morgenstern, yes. Do I regret my actions in following her, not as much. However as I said before, I owe Magnus a debt and so tonight that debt shall be repaid" Alec had noticed on many occasions that the way the fair folk spoke was so elaborate and poetic that it was easy to see how they could trick someone, even with their inability to lie.

"Alec, Meliorn is much more capable than me of opening the portal to the other dimension. The Fey's powers over the Earth are something I will admit to being rather jealous of" Magnus said, breaking the tension that was escalating between the Shadowhunter and the Faery.

"And who's going to let us back to this dimension when we've got what you need?" Alec replied, he was careful with his words as he wasn't sure how much of Magnus' plan Meliorn was aware of.

"The object I intend to retrieve shall instruct me how to come back Alexander, do not worry. For now we need to prepare to leave"

"Prepare, what are we preparing for? Surely Meliorn makes the portal and we just go?"

"Not so fast Shadowhunter, you see there are some rules about dimension jumping that you are unaware of" Meliorn replied, a smug look on his face that would challenge even Jace Herondales.

"Like what?"

"In this other dimension, it is likely that Alec Lightwood and Magnus Bane already exist. By entering the dimension you shall take their places and gain control of their lives. However if you forget who you really are and where you really come from, you may find yourself becoming part of their life forever. Once you forget your true identity there is very little chance of you returning to this world" Alec wanted to shout, to refuse to enter such a dangerous place that he might never return. The questions swam around his head. What would happen to his friends if he never returned? What would his life be like over there? And most importantly, did his and Magnus' relationship exist there?

But instead of shouting, refusing and insisting that this was a terrible idea, he simply nodded to Magnus that he was okay with this. His whole body screamed at him to object but he knew if he didn't go, Magnus would go alone and he didn't want him to face that kind of danger without him.

"Okay let's do this, Meliorn make the portal" Magnus said. He had perked up a little now he believed Alec to be completely on board with his plan.

Whilst Meliorn began to draw patterns on the ground Magnus walked over to Alec and grabbed his hand tight. They stood silently next to each other, enjoying each others company until Meliorn's patterns resulted in a large glowing portal appearing between two trees.

"If we do this, promise me you'll find a way out" Magnus begged Alec who in reply rolled his eyes.

"Not without you" He insisted and Magnus stared at him sadly.

"Alexander, please" He was almost literally begging and Alec could see the determination in his eyes to keep him safe.

"We'll find a way out together" Alec replied and Magnus grabbed his hand even tighter.

They took one last look into each others eyes before jumping into the void...

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