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Alec lightwood sat awkwardly in the booth he and his friends were currently sharing at Taki's.

Since Simon had began to remember the shadow world and who he really was, him and Alec's sister Izzy had been all over each other all the time and Alec had begun to get sick of it. When he'd confronted her about his issue with the overly romantic relationship she would brush his moans off and remind him of the fact that she'd had to deal with him and his boyfriend Magnus Bane whilst they'd been stuck in the honeymoon stage.

Jace Herondale (his parabatai) and Clary Fairchild (Jace's girlfriend and a good friend of Alec's), whilst not too romantic that it was an issue, still had a habit of managing to forget anybody else was there and concentrating solely on their relationship. He didn't mind this of course, they'd been through so much together that they deserved to spend as much together as possible.

So the five of them sat there in Taki's, the two relationships flourishing whilst Alec sat there, feeling like the awkward 5th wheel. Normally he wouldn't mind this as he would have invited Magnus to join them and the two of them could enjoy their time together, as well as enjoying the presence of their company. But today, like the last three weeks, Alec sat alone, facing the empty spot where his boyfriend should have sat.

"I'm sorry Alec, but I just have too much work to do"
"I'll make it up to you next time, I promise"
"I wish I could be there with you, I really do"
All of these were responses Alec had heard recently when he'd invited Magnus to join them.

He knew that they were all true and that Magnus would truly prefer to be with him that spending the majority of his time trying to negotiate terms with the other members of the council. Being the warlock representative was proving to be a lot more work than he'd assumed it would be when he'd taken the role, he'd told Alec on numerous occasions.

However Magnus wanting to be there didn't help Alec currently as he sat alone in the booth wishing he didn't feel so alone and isolated.

"Earth to Alec" Jace shouted with a smirk on his face as he waved his hand in front of Alec's face.

"What?!" Alec replied, his voice a little too loud so that it attracted the attention of nearly everyone in Taki's. "Sorry" he said instead, making sure his voice was considerably quieter this time.

"I was just letting you know that we're leaving, unless you wanted to stay here and dream about Magnus' face some more" Jace cockily replied, the smirk growing on his face. That was the thing about Jace Herondale. He could be cold, romantic, stubborn, distant or even in extreme pain, yet he always was a condescending and sarcastic prat. Not that Alec would ever change that about him.

"Yeah no, I'm coming" Alec replied and joined the rest of the group in rising from their seat and getting ready to leave the restaurant. Jace pulled his hood up and it was then Alec realised how fast the rain was falling outside.

Alec had barely escaped the booth when the restaurant door swung wildly open and a figure staggered in. They took no more then 5 steps through the door before they sank to the floor and lay there motionless. From his position and due to the black clothes that covered most of the figure, Alec was unable to make out the identity.

Jace was the first one on the scene as he always was. But something about this incident immediately took the smug look of Jace's face. Clary, who was also standing by the figure, whispered something to Jace who nodded and looked back at Alec.

"What's going on?" He asked as Izzy walked over to him.

"Just stay back Alec" she warned him.

"What's going on?" He repeated as she got closer to him.

"Just promise me you'll stay back Alec" she practically begged.

Before he could reply he noticed that Jace was pulling the figure to his feet and was trying to get him sat in a booth. As the figure rose he noticed who was hiding under the messy black mop of wet hair.

"MAGNUS" Alec shouted and he tried to rush over to where his barely conscious boyfriend was sitting.

"Izzy, I told you to make him stay where he was" Jace shouted at the black haired girl who just shrugged.

"I tried okay" she replied.

They started shouting at each other but Alec didn't pay attention to any of it, he only cared about one thing right now and that thing was Magnus. More voices joined the shouting but to Alec is was just a jumbled mass of noise. It was only when a small groan escaped Magnus' lips that he zoned back into the chaos around him.

"Magnus, what happened?" Alec shouted at the pale man. He slowly looked up into Alec's eyes, a small groan of pain escaping him as he did so.

"Alexander" He whispered simply, feeling completely at ease around his loved one, even though he was evidently in extreme pain

"Magnus talk to me" Alec begged

"Not safe. Need to recover. Need to be strong" Magnus mumbled, barely able to form words let alone long sentences.

"Take my strength" Alec was quick to offer, holding out his hand to the warlock who hesitated but eventually took hold of it.

"Well this seems overly intimate, i feel violated having to watch this" Jace commented, the smug look on his face having returned now Magnus was no longer in immediate danger.

"Shut up and go get him something to eat" Alec replied, trying to hide the smile on his face. It was partly there due to Jace's annoying yet funny comment, but mainly because like Jace, he knew Magnus was going to be okay.

He and Magnus sat together in the both for what felt like eternity, but what in reality was only about 15 minutes, before Magnus lifted his head of Alec's shoulder and stared into his eyes. Alec noticed that his face had almost returned to its normal colour and there was a sparkle in his eye once again.

"How are you feeling?" Alec asked him

"Much better now, thanks to you. But we really must go Alexander. I'm not safe here and whilst i'm here neither are your friends" He replied sadly

"What about me? Am i safe?"

"I'm sorry Alexander, but you're in danger due to our relationship alone. We have to leave, and quickly" Magnus said quickly, his eyes darting back and forth between the door and Alec.

"Where are we going?" Alec asked and Magnus gave him a sad smile.

"I'll explain on the way, just say goodbye to your friends" Magnus replied and there was something about his ton that meant Alec didn't want to argue with him. Instead he went over to where the rest of the group were standing.

"How is he?" Izzy asked before he'd even had the chance to stand as part of the group.

"He's better, thank you all. But umm we've gotta go somewhere, just me and him, because he's in danger, and so am i, and i don't know where we're going but ill call you at some point okay" Alec mumbled. The rest of the group wanted to ask him more questions about where he was going and how long he'd be, but they could see he was extremely anxious to get back to Maguns who still hadn't recovered entirely and so they didn't bother to ask.

"Be safe" Jace told him as he pulled him in for a hug

"I will i promise, you guys should go, we'll be fine" He replied and the others followed his suggestion and left the restaurant as he walked back over to where Magnus was sat.

"They're gone, we should go" He said quietly and Magnus nodded. He held out his hand to Alec, who took it and helped him to his feet. Together they left the resturant, heading in the oppostite direction to which their friends had, whilst Alec supported Magnus every step of the way.

Forget you ➰ Malec Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant