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Alec Lightwood opened his eyes and blinked furiously under the harsh sunlit sky. Meliorn had told him he would automatically take the place of his doppelgänger and clearly that happened to be in a park right now.

"Earth to Alec" He heard a sarcastic voice shout from some way across the grass. He turned to look at them and saw none other than Jace there. Except he didn't look like the tough Jace he knew, the Shadowhunter covered in many runes and scars. No this Jace was smaller and a lot less intimidating. To Alec's amusement, he was also sporting a pair of nerd glasses which, to Alec's dismay, he pulled off annoyingly well.
He couldn't wait to tell the real Jace back home that his doppelgänger wore glasses, something that he would hate the idea of.

"Sorry, what did you say?" Alec replied, getting up of the grass and making his way over to Jace.

"I said, are you coming back to mine to get ready for the party tonight, all the girls are going to be round Clary's" Alec could have laughed. Jace was inviting him round to get ready for a party. He couldn't quite picture the Jace Herondale having to deal with such mundane troubles as having to decide what to wear to a party here. But then again, Jace was a mundane here and so was he.

"What party?" Alec asked

"Clary's dads, you know he's been planning this party for months and he's told us on countless occasions that he will kill me especially if I don't make an appearance. He's only just welcoming me to his family and I don't want to blow it, I've told you this a million times!" Jace exclaimed, his voice full of sarcasm, wit and for the fast time, genuine fear.

"Valentine?" Alec asked, no way could he let Valentine hurt Jace again, not after what had happened at Lake Lynn.

"Of course Valentine, why does Clary have another family I don't know about. If so I think I'll make a run for it, I don't think I could deal with meeting another brother, Jonathan was intimidating enough"  Alec's hand tightened around his concealed dagger at the mention of Clary's evil brothers real name. The idea that Jace was in danger worried the life out of him.

But then again, in a world with no Shadowhunters, Valentine and Jonathan were just ordinary men and the name Sebastian would never have even been used.

"Oh right of course, sorry I'm totally not with it today" Alec lied in response and Jace sent him a fake smile in return. The fake smile that, Alec had learnt over the years, meant that although Jace knew you weren't telling the truth he couldn't be bother to question it. Alec fake smiled back.

"So are you coming back to mine or not?" Jace asked impatiently.

"Yeah sure. I don't have any clothes though" he insisted and Jace gave him a funny look.

"What are you talking about. You bought like 5 different outfits round mine last night, claiming you were having a wardrobe malfunction and Lydia wasn't being helpful. Besides..." Jace tried to carry on, but Alec cut him off.


"Yes Lydia. You know, blonde, annoying, happens to be dating my best friend" Jace mumbled in his usual sarcastic tone.

"Who's your best friend?"

"You. What's up with you today. First you forget last night and now you're forgetting your girlfriend. Should I be concerned?" Jace asked and he raised an eyebrow at Alec.

"No. Nothing to be concerned about. Nothing at all" Alec replied quietly.

"Anyway, as I was saying..." Jace carried on talking but Alec couldn't listen to a word he was saying. He has more important things on his mind. Like the fact that in this world him and Magnus weren't a couple and that meant there was no guarantee that he'd know where to find Magnus.

"And of course Clary wants you and Lydia there. She was even telling me last night that she'd even consider Lydia a friend now which is great for us because double dates and..." Jace was still talking and Alec picked up the last part of his long speech.

Apparently even in this world Jace was still the most arrogant person and would talk for hours on end.

"Can we go now?" Alec asked impatiently. Jace stared at him question my for a moment but then shrugged it off.

"Oh alright. Mum said she'll make some food for us before we go anyway so we might as well go"

This statement made Alec stop for a moment and stare at his best friend. Of course in a world where Shadowhunters didn't exist Jace's real parents were still alive. He would have never been raised by Valentine or the Lightwoods.

"Yeah course, you know I love your mums cooking" Alec lied, hoping to stop Jace's suspicion.

"We all know you love my mums cooking!" Jace replied with a laugh. Alec breathed a sigh of relief, knowing he was let off the hook. For now at least.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2017 ⏰

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