1] Hello... I'm Your Number One Fan!!!

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The moment that your yandere meets your main character can be as simple as the MC picking up the yandere's pencil when it rolls off their desk during class or something. Don't sweat how they meet, okay? As long as the yandere either falls in love with them on the spot upon looking into their eyes, or have been secretly admiring them from afar until this point where they actually interact for the first time, then it's all just dandy.

Now comes the hard part!!!!

Are they a closet yandere that hides their actions from their beau, like Ayano, or are they the more direct type that will force kisses upon their beloved and threaten to slit somebody's throat unless the apple of their eyes publically announces what may very well be a false relationship... That's what Yuno did, and it got that bitch laid!!! Not right afterwards, but Yuki still gave her his D.

Ayano is painfully shy around Taro and Yuno acts like any other girlfriend when she's with Yuki and there's nobody trying to get him the fuck away from her, so don't assume that every yandere is exactly the same. That, like something that I'll cover in Chapter Ten, is bullshit.

Your yandere is yours... You decide the attitude and personality. They're literally just another character of yours, just slightly more prone to stabbing hoes.

Either way you go, though, the yandere can't contain their affections for forever. If you do go the quiet type, please remember what the word yandere means... Mentally sick love... They can only be so careful for so long, only be so indirect for sometime...

After all, wouldn't it just kill you if somebody got between them and their true love?

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