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Today, I, Jefferson Landry, will have been born this day 28 years ago, and I am throwing a birthday party! I have invited everyone, parents, friends from college, and other family members. I have all of the party decorations up, and all of food prepared, although I am certain that mom and dad will bring food, but that's no problem, I will eat anything. My friends, Carter Louis, and Brit Spisi are known to be repeat troublemakers, they swore that they won't do anything bad while my parents were here and once they left they'd get the beer. My "other" family If it's fair to call them that, includes Papi Sin and Uncle Samsonite, hardly ever see me, which sucks, because I heard Papi is really rich and friendly, and Samsonite, I haven't heard about him much, he's only spoken in hushed whispers, I'm very intrigued by him, looked him up and found NOTHING. So I invited him, didn't know his address, just sent it into the post office hoping it finds the right guy. In about 2 hours guests should start arriving, but first I have to run some errands, grabbing some last minute napkins and paper plates, and a cake, which is always welcome at my house!

My Uncle and MeDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora