Chapter 3: Revisited

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5 years later, after all the traumatizing stuff I put my family, friends and myself through, it all seems perfectly normal again, granted I don't have anymore friends, but you know, I can gain more, I've changed really. No longer obsessed with pleasuring myself through pain, so today, I, Jefferson Landry, will finally come to light and meet people again after hiding in the shadows, away from my father, my friends, family and my Uncle. I've survived off eating the rats that burrow into my room, and catch rain via barrel outside my window, and drink my own urine. I headed outside yesterday, and some horrible things happened that I'm just now getting over, I saw my Uncle. He... he stood there, menacingly, watching me from under a lamp pole while I panicked and ran fast as I could, I almost got away, but extended his arms and grabbed me by the head and pulled me back, he smiled at me with the grin that could only be seen if something vile were to happen, he looked at me, and started pulling clothes off, against my will, I wasn't into that anymore! I had changed! I just then wanted to go and see the world again! He used his invisible dick and plastered my internals with his cream, but... somethin has changed, it wasn't a normal temperature, it was scalding hot, it hurt more than ever, not even in a pleasurable way, it just was painful, I started bleeding profusely and got away, and he watched as I ran, but I couldn't run for long, the heat was too intense for my body to hold and I collapsed, started craving candy, something about that cream made me want candy, but I couldn't move, my legs refused to out of sheer pain, I called out, but all that would muster would be a whimper, barely able for even the most hearing adept person to hear, I cried inside, I couldn't help myself or get help, I was going to be stuck here, unable to die or move. Then darkness surrounded me, then light, I saw darkness again, but I felt comfortable but still in incredible pain, I lifted my face from the pillow, tear soaked, and had realized my period came in, should've told you I was a trans mtf shouldn't I?

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