Chapter 1

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I apologise in advance if the part up to the Stornoway area is not very accurate, I only recently continued the game, almost a year has passed since I restarted it, I'll try my best though!

"You have done well to come so far Chalinca" my teacher Aquila says as we look upon the small village of Angel Falls. I turn to face him as he says ((from here this is all made up lol, I can't remember what he says)) "I don't think there is much left for me to teach you." I smile, knowing that my lessons are coming to an end and I can continue onwards. Suddenly there are a few monsters that we notice, trying and failing to hide behind a bush/rock ((whatever it was)) knowing what we must do the both of us fly down to the monsters and commence battle...

Signing as the battle ends and laying down on the not so soft grass to catch my breath I spot a crystallised shard of something hovering near to me. Standing up I take the shard in my hands and Aquila then speaks up "That is a crystallised shard of Benevolessence, a shard of the gratitude from the humans we protect" I nod, remembering the rest from a book I had read once. After that the decision was made to head back up to the Observatory, which is what we did, flying back up there I look down once more at the small village of Angel Falls, praying that if anything happens it doesnt affect this village at all.

Arriving at the Observatory Aquila states that he has other business to attend to and for me to go speak with Apus Major in the great hall ((I think that's what its called))

Timeskip past this to Chalinca becoming the guardian of Angel Falls because I really can't remember that part XD

As I head back down to Angel Falls I overhear two of the residents talking, the one doubting my existence, the other half way between...

Timeskip again because I really can't remember this part, I remember some things a bit better now though.

After once again returning to the Observatory I go to the Yggdrasil tree to offer up the Benevolessence that I had collected over the short time I was there, suddenly to tree begins to glow while Aquila and Apus Major arrive "So it is time?" Apus Major asks as the tree glows, leaving me a bit confused, but suddenly as the tree begins to bear fruit purple laser beam like things shoot up causing the fruit and myself to fall to the Protectorate.

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