Chapter 2

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It had to be done, btw the first theme is called Enfin Apparu or some spelling or other, but still, Magi is my life, anime fans who are reading this and haven't watched Magi I command you to go and watch it!!! XD I'm a HUGE Magi fan as you can tell, the full name of it us Magi The Labyrinth of Magic

We had just left the town and instantly we have to deal with monsters, unfortunately due to the amount in the hoard of them that we're battling its taken us quite some time to get to where we are now with only two left, I take the one that looks like a potato sack while Ivor takes on the Slime, I start to attack my opponent with repetitive attacks, and dodging as many incoming attacks as I can, soon after taking down my opponent and deciding to spare myself the boredom of waiting I take out the slime as well, knowing we'd be there for a long time to come otherwise. Continuing down the path we eventually come to a part where there is a fork in the road and ahead of us is an unusual train, which I soon find out that I'm the only one able to see it, Ivor goes off to the left where the landslide was while I detour to the right, finding a small pond and a chest, opening the chest I find a ((I think it was)) gold ring which I equip straight after, then going ahead and filling up a small flask with some of the water before drinking a little and catching up with Ivor to find him talking with the guards who mention about a woman named Patty who'd gone through the Hexagon to get here, but she hadn't even arrived in Angel Falls when we left so we started to head back to question people about if she had arrived.

Timeskip past the conversations and shiz

After waiting for people to stop crowding the town I sneak out and head to the Hexagon, remembering when Ivor had pointed it out to me back when we passed the path leading to it. As I reach that path I start heading down it only to be stopped by a sudden arrow, looking around I notice a monster holding a bow that would be where the arrow came from. I laugh "A long range weapon like that is no good when in close range combat" I say before beginning to attack it. Once the battle ender I pick up the money it dropped and continue to the Hexagon, noticing a purple substance around the entrance of the Hexagon I tread carefully and around it as knowing all my luck it'd be some kinda acid or poison. After doing that I go inside, not long after spotting a ghost I start to follow it, leading me to a statue "The... Statue..." Is all it says before vanishing, this grabs my curiosity and I start to examine the statue, finding a button on the back of it "oh so there is a purpose to this" pressing the button I start to feel the ground shake beneath me, realising that something was triggered I run out of that small alcove and return to the central area, there now being a doorway for me to get through I smile and go temporarily hyper. Working my way through the place I soon come to a stage like setting or a platform of sorts, looking around it I spot a person trapped under rubble, instinctively I head over to her and start trying to free her, she explains about the creature and stuff when suddenly the floor shakes again. I stand up and see a huge creature in front of me "I'll take it that this is the thing you mentioned, well this should be fun" I say smiling as I have now a proper battle, drawing my weapon I prepare to fight it.

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