Chapter 3

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Misty's POV for a short bit

For a warrior training is rough, it lasts nearly all day most of the time, but I won't let up, not until I'm strong enough to get out there and kill the creature that attacked my village when I was young, I raised myself, everyone tries to pity me, I'm not letting this go on, even though it won't bring my parents back or any of the rest of my family, so long as I can survive long enough to kill off those things I'll be happy.

Taking a quick break from training I drink from my flask, I have taken to training with the other knights, though that lot are a bunch of cowards claiming to be knights. I sigh sitting back "how long am I gonna be here until I'm strong enough to go out..." I wonder when the knights captain enters the training room "Everyone may go out and recover their strength for a bit before we resume our posts guarding the castle" is all he says before he and the rest clear out, I sigh "if this goes on I'll be here forever" I stroke the side of my swords blade, given to me by my master before those things came and slaughtered my home town. Shaking my head I stand up and go outside heading over to the inn to get something to eat, noticing that I had a Teeny Sanguini following me I laugh and turn around to face it which causes it to run and hide, this little guy had followed me throughout most of my journey, I see no malicious intent from it, rather its quite friendly. I approach it and gently tap it which startles it until I bend down so it feels less intimidated, I hold out a little food that I take as a snack for it, it accepts and eats the food happily, I smile and stand up "you wanna tag along with me?" I ask and it flies to my side, "I take that as a yes then" I smile and head into the inn and find another girl there, shorter than me by a little, seemingly she's a friend of the new owner. I lean against the wall and wait for them to finish their conversation before going and asking for something for me and this little guy to eat, taking a seat I start eating...

Returning to Chalinca's POV

As we entered Stornway I spotted an inn quite close so, assuming that is the one Erinn was talking about I headed in and found her being bombarded, soon after I was being bombarded 'didn't sign up for this' I thought, eventually I notice another person in here, a girl, along side her was one of the Teeny Sanguinis from before, soon after everyone had dispersed Patty called me over to explain about recruiting team members which interested me and soon enough the smell of food wafted past me. I sigh and decide to take a look at the ones I could currently recruit and sigh again explaining "none of these are what I need unfortunately" I look through at the list of thieves and minstrels "I'm going to need a decent healer, and two other good fighters so a warrior, martial artist and a priest or priestess" I say only to my surprise I see Patty bring out three sheets of paper, saying that people with the occupations that I need are wanted, seemingly it catches the eye of the other girl in here.

I go up to Erinn and ask about food since I haven't eaten in a while and she goes off out back to get something made. I take a seat on the table near to the other girl since its the only other empty one and soon enough Erinn comes back with the same food I had at hers, I'm not complaining, its good food. As I start to eat I notice the other girl start talking to Patty, I listen in and realise she's asking about the signs making me smile, Patty then points to me and the girl comes over and says "I guess we're travelling together from now on, I'm Misty, what's your name?" I smile and say "I'm Chalinca and I can assume youre a warrior?" She nods and I continue eating the food "well now to find a Priest and a Martial Artist" I say and once again return to my food. Once I finish eating I stand up and say "well no point in waiting here all day, shall we go out if town for a bit and battle stuff? I'm curious to your strength" we both smile and run to the outskirts of town and begin battling things.
"Heh you're pretty good" I say smiling "you're not bad yourself" she replies smiling as well.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

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