Chapter 5 I'm so happy i came here

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Okay I hope you like this story, I was struggling with the start but yeah 😅

"Hi there partner, thank you for keeping her staying in one place, by the way nice to meet you my name is....

~the boy's POV~

"Hey Ruby where are you!" I shouted out, 'oh where could she be, Zane told me to meet him and Atticus and Jim I thought, then a idea 'the roof its her favourite place!' I ran as fast as I could then Itripped "ehh!" BANG! "Owwwww! That hurts" while rubbing is now red stinging nose then sighed and walked up the stairs till I saw a opening of light. Then a gauche of wind hit me making my hair fly over my eyes causing me to close my eyes but when it stopped, I opened my eyes, widening at the sight in front of me the ocean was sparking like diamonds with the sunlight that made my smile gently then I heard Rrriiiii~ I turned and gasped at the sight, I saw a beautiful boy, I could tell that he was a boy but looked more feminine, he had two toned hair the lower lair was a brown and the top was a lighter orange to a lighter brown and dazzling brown eyes full of life and kindness and with him, I saw Ruby and another duel monster a brown fluff ball with small white wings on his shoulder.  I sighed and shouted "Ruby, Ruby where are you?" and walked up to the boy with Ruby and the other duel monster and smiled. Ruby saw me and ran up and jumped onto my shoulder and rubbed her head under my chin and she purred and I smiled, then I looked at the boy and he blushed 'HE IS SO CUTE!!' I thought with happiness. I smiled again and he smiled back with the blush still on his face and I said "Hi there partner, thank you for keeping her staying in one place, by the way nice to meet you my name is Jesse Anderson and assume your Jaden Yuki"  Jaden was shocked but soon smiled gently and nodded and held out his hand and said "nice to meet you too Jesse and yes my name is Jaden and this here is winged kuriboh" I took his hand and shook it.

~ Jaden's PoV~
'OMG I'm shaking his hand! Wait when did I get so fan girl?!' I sighed in my mind but I still smiled. Then my phone began to vibrate I took it out of my pocket to see it was aunt Mai calling me, I looked at Jesse and said "my aunt is calling can I answer it?" He smiled widely and nodded. I answered it "hi aunt Mai, what's wrong?" "Jaden dear, there is one problem, THERE IS AN ASSEMBLY on now and where are you?!" Mai screamed in the result I  quickly moved the phone away from my ear and replied "Aunt Mai calm down I'm on the roof with Jesse" there was a paused then a calm and demanding voice "Jaden who is this 'Jesse', don't matter just hurry up and get to assembly now okay, speak later bye" and the line went dead. I  just blinked and looked at his phone then sighed and looked back at Jesse and a bit of red appeared on my cheeks but said "there is a assembly on very soon so I have to go, do you want to go?" Jesse smiled and replied "I will I just have to find my friend, he has my books but I lost Ruby ,so I went to find her first but I will see you there soon okay" I nodded and was about to go till I heard a shout behind me and Jesse I turned to see syrus and Hassleberry, I think that is his name I have history and English and some other lessons with him and I yelled to them "what are you guys doing here?" Syrus replied to me "we come to take you to assembly, since you're new so come on they don't like us students being late!" I nodded and syrus grabbed my hand and dragged me away but I waved to Jesse and shouted "see you soon but hurry so don't miss the assembly!" He nodded and yelled back "ka see you soon Jay!" I turned quickly back to try hide my blush but I smiled gently and me, syrus and Hassleberry ran to the assembly, leaving Jesse behind me.

~ jesse's POV~

'I think I'm in love, see you soon Jay' I thought in my mind then suddenly I just remembered "oh I have to find Atticus, the weirdo still has my books, and when I see him, he will just wish that he was never born!" I gripped my fist and had it close to my face, then I sighed and shook my head and began to walk, then I smiled and looked up and whispered "I have found my queen" then I began to walk again to find the weirdo clown thing.

There I know it is short but I tried, I haven't been sleeping right, I hate my demon cousin from hell, well here it is I hope you enjoy it😅😋

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2016 ⏰

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