Meliodas x Reader

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Did you know there is a eighth sin? You probably do, (y/n) the ultimate sin. (y/n) was an undercover sin for the king, before everything happened between Zaratras and The Seven Deadly Sins. Since then, the king has kept you a secret so no one (kingdom's people) would start worrying and some would start rebellion between the Holy Knights. You still follow the kings order's , he is only one who knew about you.


I started walking around the kingdom making sure that no one does something is not allowed inside the kingdom. While I was guarding, looking like a little child (A/N-sorry if this is not your height).When I was walking in the usually crowdy part of the kingdom, people were crowding around a person. The person being a small/short boy with messy (?) blonde hair, emerald green eyes.

'Why does he seem familiar to me? I feel like i have seen him before.' I just stare at him for a few more minutes and then just walk about.Unknowing that short/small boy was looking at you more like staring at you walking away from the crowd surrounding him.


Meliodas noticed a random, beautiful,gorgeous girl staring at him with questioned look.He got intrigued with that certain girl.Once the whole crowd started to disperse he walked towards he last saw the girl head to.

'There's something with that girl, she looks way to familiar. wait! is it that - ? no , she cant be. I dont think she would be really happy with seeing me again after that incident.' Meliodas thought while seeking on finding you.

'what if she doesn't want to see me? what if she hates me? what if- Stop it! its not 'what if' it is she doesnt.' Meliodas' mood when from one hundred to zero. Then, he quit his search for his ex-team mate.

well this is a shitty oneshot for meliodas even though I spent half of my time, writing and editing it. it still came out wrong but I have an idea. you'll just have to waitt. Muahahaha
Love Yah, -Yaritza out 🔖

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