Who is Y/N?

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You are a 19 year old girl who has a brother that works as a teacher(I have heard this many times if its not right then please contact me) then one day you go to visit him, you meet his friends Bob, Wade, and Mark. Bob is a funny and goofy. Wade is a tall guy who seems kinda weird.(sorry wade) Last but not least mark he seems really cool and you like him after meeting him.


Y= Y/N




You get to Tyler's house.

Y: Hey Tyler

T:Y/N I missed you Its been years.

Y: I know i wish i could of visit sooner but school decided to hold me back another year.

T: Hey Y/N i want you to meet my friends first theirs Bob.

B: Hi Y/N Tyler has told us so much about you.

T: Ok now we have to meet wade.

Wade pops out of no where.


Y: AHH damn it!

Y/N turns around and punches wade.


T: i told you not to mess with her wade she is really defensive.

Y: I'm sorry wade i'm not used to that.

You heard screaming thats saying

?: get away get away get away!!!!

you run to that room and slam the door open you see a guy with dark black hair and a big red streak in the middle crying in a chair with a screen that says GAME OVER with red on the screen he turns around and looks at you.

duh duh duh sry im evil cliffhanger yay 230 words. 

Tyler's sister (Markiplier X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now