Decisions pt 1

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 Mark and I ran away we are going to Felix's house to come up with a plan


(the door opens)

Y: hey Felix we need to talk

F: OK come in lets sit on the couch and talk

sits on the couch

F: so what ya need to talk about

M:we need to run away

F: whoa what!

Y:Tyler doesn't want us to be together nore does he care about me

F: ok you have three choices 1 stay with sean 2 stay at my house in sweden or move 3 to hawaii

Y: Mark its your choice

M: lets go with sean 1rst then Felixs let me call sean

Mark walks out of the room


J: hey mark whats up 

M: hey sean can me and a friend stay at your house

J: uhh what type of friend?

M: my (quiet) girlfriend

J: wait did you just say girlfriend?! are ya serious how long have ya been dating

M: 1 day

J: and you didn't decide to tell your best friend

M:so can we stay or not

J:of course you can ive got to go talk to ya later 

M: ok by sean


M: we can stay

Y:yay! thanks felix we got to go

M: yea bye felix

F: no problem

im evil hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehhe

will jack help or?

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