Sims 4

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Long story short Tyler and Y/N were siblings wade and bob were brothers and mark was alone but when it was his turn  he flirted with Y/Ns character.  (Shocker) when it was Y/Ns turn she would work on everything even flirt back with mark. Everything  was cool but Tyler always gave mark the stay the fuck away look then Tyler was like come on mark lets go get some drinks

Then when they got out of the room Tyler stopped him and said

Tyler's POV

T: mark stay away from Y/N  she doesn't need this bull

M:You can't stop me
Tyler then punches mark and a brawl starts


I hear yelling so I get close to the door and listen and I here
T: mark stay away from Y/N  she doesn't need this bull
M:You can't stop me

I hear punching and hits against the wall I walk in throw Tyler of mark and say to him

Y: I can't believe you still baby me after all I have done to help you
I'm done with all of this
I grab my phone off the couch and run out the door never looking back

Tyler's sister (Markiplier X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now