The iplier(s) part 1

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Y/Ns pov

I wake up in a chair
?: well your awake well asleep I should say
Y:who are you!? What do you want!?
?: heheh I want you!
He lunged twirls you and a knife goes in your stomach
You wake up screaming
M: Y/N what's wrong?!!??!!!!?l
Y: I there him it you I
M: woah slow down and tell me what happened
Y: I was tied to a chair and this guy said he wanted me and
M: what did he look like!?
Y: he had blue and red hair with black sides (my discretion of someone and if you don't like it then u can change it)
He wore black clothes and had a black mask on
M: I know who
Sorry for the short chapter but I have my computer trying to work and it's a mess Jack out!

Tyler's sister (Markiplier X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now