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M: hey do you wanna go on a walk
Y: um sure let me get my shoes on
5 mins later
Y: so where are are we walking to?
M: just walking I wanted to get out but we have to be back by 3:00 it's going to rain at three
Y: ok
10 mins later of walking
M: listen we have to go back to LA sometime and we have to make up to Tyler
Y: we can live in my home state _______
M: I can't that's my house in LA we will go when your ready
Y: hey it's 2:48 we should head back
M: too late
Y: let's run under that tree
M: that was close good thing there's a bench let me text Jack we will be late
M: hey jack we will be late
J: ok be careful
*text done*
Y: so what do you wanna do
As she leans against tree Mark leans on it a a few seconds later
M: I don't know
As Mark looks at Y/N Y/N looks back and see him staring she imidently blushes as Mark gets closer to her until there lips colide Mark gets In front of her and puts his hands on the tree and they make out for 3 minutes until separating for air Mark then breaks the silence
M: it lookes like it stopped raining wanna head back
Y: uh sure
They start walking till Mark grabs Y/N hand Y/N looks at Mark then looks down then looks ahead
A branch falls off a huge tree and Mark pushes Y/N out of the way and it hits Mark
Y: Mark?!?! I gotta call Jack
J; yeah
Y: Jack me and Mark were walking back and a huge branch crushed him and
J: Y/N call the police
*10 mins later when the ambulance comes*
P: what's wrong
Y; he got Crushed by the tree and I can't lift it
20 mins later at the hospital 
D: he is in critical condition but you can see him
Y: thank you
I walk into the room and see Mark he saved me 
Y: Mark I'm sorry i came into your life and basically ruined it 
I was basically sobbing seeing him in this condition he said he left he camera
Y: Jack bring marks camera!!!!!
J: ok be there in 10 mins
*10 mins later*
Y: hey guys I know I'm not Mark but he is right here for all of those wondering we are in Ireland with Jack and he got crushed by a big tree limb and *sob* he is in *sob* *sob* critical condition and might not make it so please wish him luck we gotta go bu bye 👋
J: Y/N in sorry
I lean into Jack and start crying into his shoulder
Y: he saved me from it 
That's when I heard it *beeeeeeeeeeeeeep*
Y: noooo!
I start slamming on the buttons calling for Doctor and nurses they start pulling me out of the room
Y: I need to be there for Mark! MARK IM SORRY!!!!
I know worst  way to end the first book in crying at the end of this just imagining it
Sorry guys, Jack out!

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