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"Why don't you take that table's order?" Austin asked me and I looked at where his finger pointed to, sure enough it the table 24 where Levi was currently sat.

As if he knew we were talking about him, he looked up and made eye contact with me, that cheeky smile of his appearing once again. Austin had already served his drink, it would make sense for him to continue with the rest of the order but for some reason he wanted me.

"Are you sure?" I asked Austin, without breaking the eye contact because this would be the first time I'd ever talk to Levi, knowing me I'd fall over or do something equally stupid. Though the thought of speaking to him was a cocktail of both fear and excitement.

"Yes, of course I'm sure" Austin laughed, shaking his head slightly. It was only now I looked away from Levi "You should see the way you two look at each other!" He added and my cheeks flushed red but seeing as Austin had practically made the decision for me, I knew I'd finally have to acquire the confidence to go over there.

I inhaled deeply.

Checking I had my notepad, I started swerving between the other customers before turning to the table in the far left corner, table 24. The fact that the table was meant for four made him look small from far away but he looked taller now I was closer. Levi ran a hand through his hair.

"Are you ready to order?" I choked out, my voice felt shaky from nerves but he didn't seem to notice. Instead he grinned, pointed to the meal on the menu and spoke.

"Yes I am and I'd like the usual please" he chirped in a voice even better than the one I'd imagined him having, handing the menu over to me. I took it and our fingers brushed slightly, I had to consciously remind myself not to react to that to avoid coming off as a total freak.

"Sure, I'll go and put it on the order" I smiled a genuine smile and turned to walk away. My heart was beating much faster than it would be normally and it felt honestly exhilarating. The realisation that he probably wouldn't feel the same hit but I pushed it back because in that moment I was truly happy.

Reaching the middle of the restaurant once again, I put the menu back and tapped his order onto the computer screen, which sends a receipt of it through to the chefs. The place I was coincidentally planning on going to later on to tell all.

For the next 15 minutes I ran errands that were mostly clearing tables, offering dessert menus and serving drinks before that small rush died down a bit and I decided to talk to the others.

I practically skipped into the kitchen "Guess who talked to Levi" I beamed, still in this sort of haze caused by something as simple as him asking for his usual order. His voice was comforting and it made me feel safe, soothing almost.

"About bloody time" Brenda laughed, she was the one getting more frustrated than me about the whole thing even though it technically wasn't her business. She saw it as her 'duty as a friend' to see us finally talk to each other so although she didn't sound overwhelmed, she most likely was as much as me.

"So" Drew dragged out the word, a smirk on his face "what did you talk about?" He grabbed a receipt that'd just printed and read it through before heading toward George to grab another frying pan.

"Not a lot but that's not the point, the point is that I didn't do anything stupid" I laughed, genuinely surprised that I hadn't managed to mess up. But, in that moment, carrying a selection of finished main course plates, Rosie walked in.

"She went bright red when she was walking away" she added sassily, grinning from ear to ear.

"Did not" I defended although I most likely did.

Table 24 ~ Levi JonesWhere stories live. Discover now