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*Rosie's POV*

"No no no" I whispered to myself as I walked around outside the restaurant, fiddling frantically with my car keys. Amber was there, she was right there! Now she was gone and I had no idea how.

The optimistic voice in my head suggested she'd changed her mind and walked home after all but it was stamped out by a pessimistic, ominous idea that something awful had happened, she'd been so worried.

I ran a hand through my hair in frustration and focused on controlling my breathing that had gone way out of sync. Think. THINK.

If I knew anything about Amber it was that she was absolutely besotted with Levi...

I darted back inside, ignoring the chefs calling out for me and power walked to the storeroom to grab my phone, pretending to not see a customer waving me over and returning to the back of the restaurant where I could use it in private.

Bringing up Levi's number I pressed call, he answered on the second ring.

"Who is this?"

"It's Rosie"

"Rosie? How do you know my number?"

"I know a lot of things" I interrupted "Listen, is Amber with you?"

"What do you mean is she with me? She said she was going home with you!"

"I know that but I went to grab my car keys for 5 seconds and I came back and she was gone. I assumed you'd be my best bet at knowing where she was"

Levi didn't respond for what felt like a lot longer than it actually was, I could hear him breathing heavily as if he was trying to figure out what to do and I waited as patiently as I could, my foot tapped on the floor.

"Where did you say she was when she disappeared?"

"Out the back of the restaurant, in the parking lot"

"Does it have CCTV?" I stood there for a second, for some reason shocked at his quick thinking "Rosie?" he pushed.

"Yeah, yeah I think it does"

"Find a way of watching it, I'm coming over there now"

"You don't have a car and we need you, where are you, I'll come pick you up"

"I'm just off of Hampton Street, near the row of shops"

"What are you doing there?"


"Ok give me 10 minutes"

I picked Levi up almost exactly 10 minutes later after talking to Austin about the CCTV. He had a right to be confused but agreed as soon as I suggested Amber could be in danger.

Therefore, as soon as Levi and I walked through the back doors of the restaurant Drew ushered us over to firstly shake Levi's hand, I'd forgotten they'd never actually met, and then inform us that Austin was waiting for us in the unused room that half acted as an office.

We rushed to the office room, receiving a couple of startled looks from customers. Maybe they sensed the tension we were all feeling, it sat like bricks in the pit of my stomach, weighing me down.

I felt sick as I saw Austin hunched over his laptop.

"Just in time guys, I've just got it set up to today, damn thing took forever to turn on. How are you, Levi?"

"I guess what this video shows will decide that"

We were silent after that. We moved behind the laptop and Austin hit play a few minutes before I left.

Although the tape had no sound I saw a grainy view of Amber and I debating what to do before I rushed inside to get my keys.

She ran a hand through her hair started to make her way towards my car. Nothing made sense right now.

Out of nowhere, a van appeared in shot which I could tell was a rich black even in the grey grain and two people jumped out.

I felt my pulse in every inch of my body and tears formed in my eyes, I knew what was going to happen.

Amber turned around just too late. One of the figures swung what looked almost like a piece of wood but I couldn't make it out and Amber dropped to the ground. A small yelp escaped my lips and I felt Levi's hand squeeze my shoulder reassuringly, despite how scared he must've been feeling.

Austin seemingly had a similar response to me. He hit the space bar hard to pause the video and snapped down the laptop screen.

"We have to call the police" Austin pushed his chair back and it clattered to the ground

"No" Levi intervened almost instantly, he sped round to the other side of the table and placed his hands flat. His eyes wild and bloodshot.

"Levi we just watched Amber-" I tried to support Austin's point.

"I know what we watched but calling the police will make it worse"


"No, what they want is me, they're not stupid; they knew I'd watch this. If we involve the police they'll hurt her, I can sort this"

"Jesus Christ Levi what have you gotten yourself into?" Austin sighed, bringing a hand to his forehead. I'd forgotten how far the two of them went back, Austin somewhat felt responsible for the boy and obviously had no idea what he was involved with, I only knew through Amber.

I was suddenly conscious of my knuckles turning white from where I was gripping the edge of the table so hard and recoiled quickly.

Austin and Levi shared some sort of silent communication which I couldn't figure out but Levi's eyes looked as if they were pleading for some sort of apology.

"Levi how do you even know where to find her?"

"I don't" he said and my mouth dropped, I started to protest but he cut me off "yet"

He looked solemnly between Austin and I "but I think I know somebody that could help us"...



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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2017 ⏰

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