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The following week Austin said they didn't need me in until 7:45ish because there weren't many reservations until then. I tried to protest with him because obviously those timings meant that I'd have less of a chance to talk to Levi but I guess there was no use paying me to do nothing at the beginning of my shift.

I arrived promptly at that time and found it was quiet as Austin said it would be. I put my coat in the storage room at the back and went over to find him.

"You were alright earlier weren't you? It wasn't too busy?" I asked as he entered the payment for one of the tables.

"Amber it was fine, don't worry! I hope you made the most of the extra time at home" if by 'made the most of' he meant schoolwork, he was wrong but I watched some quite good TV which felt just as beneficial.

"Okay thank you!" I chirped and walked off to the other half of the restaurant so that I could see Levi again. As soon as he saw me, his face lit up a little but he also looked slightly nervous which was unusual for him.

He raised his hand as I smiled back to call me over.

"You're late" he said as I strolled over, pretending to check a watch that wasn't there.

"Yes I did notice that thank you" I sassed, chuckling slightly at how much of a dork he was.

"Why?" He smirked

"Austin said the restaurant was going to be quiet up until about now so they didn't need me as early"

"Oh, that's what he told you" he said under his breath so that I didn't quite catch it completely.

"What?" My eyebrows furrowed, trying to figure out what he meant by that. Why else would Austin ask me to come in later? Levi wasn't making any sense to me.

"Oh nothing" he recovered with a smile that made me forget that he'd said anything "it did look quite quiet when I came in"

He was hiding something I could tell but I chose to ignore it, I had work to do now, especially after having an hour and 45 minutes off earlier.

I frowned at him and sighed "well I'll see you later anyway, I've got stuff to do now" I sauntered off to clear the table opposite him of their starter plates which I took into the kitchen area to be washed.

"Hey guys" I said after I put them down and faced the chefs.

"Bloody hell Amber where have you been, tonight has been packed!" George exclaimed when he saw me, flipping something about in a frying pan hurriedly.

Drew and Brenda shared a look "he means it's been boring without you because it's been so quiet" Drew said quickly, sharing another couple of looks with George which caused him to eventually agree.

I pretended I didn't notice how strange everyone was being but it was quite hard to ignore.

I cleared my throat instead and tried to change the topic "thanks again for last week Brenda I had a really good time"

"Not as good a time as Drew and Rosie" Brenda replied instantly as she finished chopping some vegetables, even though she was facing away from me I could tell she'd be proud of herself for that comment.

My eyes turned to look at Drew who was now blushing slightly because I whispered "Drosie" under my breath.

Then, being the queen of bad timing that she is, Rosie chose this exact moment to walk in with a stack of plates "oh it gets better!" I laughed as Drew and Rosie smiled slightly at each other. It wasn't awkward as such because it was clear they liked each other but the fact they were completely drunk last week had made it seem so.

"It'll get even better later" Nate exclaimed as the too walked in from the restaurant floor, those two certainly knew how to pick their moments.

Everyone but me seemed to smile slightly at that, why was everyone acting so weirdly?

Was Nate talking about Drew and Rosie? He couldn't have been because they didn't look shy about it and everyone else seemed to understand but me. Was it something that had happened before I arrived?

Either way, everyone whispering and giving me odd looks was starting to get on my nerves. Even Levi was acting weirdly, I thought I could at least rely on him to keep my sane but he wasn't helping at all.

I took a chip from the bowl on the side of the counter the chefs had left out for us to pick at and walked out of the kitchen, slightly angry.

It was the paranoia that got to me. Like they'd all ganged up on me all of a sudden and it made me feel small. I heard the bell ding in the kitchen that showed food was ready to be delivered but ignored it because I knew Nate and Rosie were already there, they could do it.

I stood in separated part of the restaurant, flicking through a menu, even ignoring looking in Levi's direction which was completely unlikely.

The bell dinged again and I ignored it, if Nate had taken the first, Rosie could take the second lot of plates.

The bell dinged again and this time I slammed the menu shut and put it back on the pile. Scurrying to the kitchen and looking at the two plates that sat there. Glaring at Nate and Rosie who were stood to the side, clearly not bothering to deliver these meals.

"I'll get these then" I whispered bitterly to myself before speaking louder to the chefs "table?"

"24" they said in unison.

"Yeah the plate on the right is for 24" I said, noticing the meal that Levi had every week "but what about this one?"

"24" they said again. It didn't make sense, Levi was sat there alone and he hadn't told me he was expecting a guest although I guess it wasn't like he had to. The jealous, selfish part of me just hoped that the guest he was expecting wasn't a girl.

I frowned before picking up both of the plates "are you sure?"

"Just take the damn plates woman" Brenda snapped, laughing and I did, wanting to leave the kitchen full of everyone's curious stares. Even Austin winked at me when I walked passed him. What was happening with the world?

Levi looked up as I rounded the corner and smiled, putting his phone away in his pocket and sitting up straighter.

I placed his usual order in front of him and looked at the second plate quizzically.

"So they've given me this one in the kitchen to give to you as well, sorry if they've messed up" my sentence trailed off as it went on, I tried not to sound bitter because I knew it was selfish of me to not want him to have a guest.

"No no it's fine, I did order it, just put it down opposite thanks!" He beamed, so he was expecting a guest. I put the plate down.

"Who have you got joining you then?" I looked around confused, it still didn't look like anyone had arrived yet.

"Well" he tugged at his sleeves a little "with a bit of luck, I was hoping you"


*screams internally* any thoughts??

Table 24 ~ Levi JonesWhere stories live. Discover now