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to my sun and stars,

i wrote a little poem for you today, since my parents decided to outright tell me that you were dead.

because you aren't

it's mostly just some emo shit about us and yeah i kinda.... went overboard at the end there. sorry. but this isn't titled and i might not even keep it if you don't come back soon so yeah.

come back soon

i remember your breath
against my skin as the words 'i love you'
tumbled out of your mouth as
if it was the most casual sentence
spoken in the universe.

i've touched the veins
on your hands,
your arms,
the ones on your neck;
none of them are untouched.

but there are constellations that haven't
been traced from the dots
i've been self-conscious of since i was 9;
when those girls on the playground
discovered them and started pricking their
pencils into my sensitive skin as a joke.

it's a possibility i would never be
able to feel your delicate fingers on my
skin ever again,
and that makes me want to jump,
because nothing could ever replace your
soft touches and fond smiles.

forever yours,

6 days

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