and beyond

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this is the end of resolution

and i decided to keep the ending open

whoever dalhee is talking about,

whatever happens to them,

to these letters,

will be up to your imagination.

they may have gotten together,

or perhaps they stayed as friends.

maybe it was yoongi,

or taehyung,

maybe even one of the other boys that i didn't introduce.

dalhee is a character that isn't so developed, not even in this book do i show much of who she actually is outside of jimin, but i do feel a connection to her.

her flaw is falling too far too fast.

clinging onto jimin's existence was a flaw.

but everyone has them.

and i just want to say that please, if you've ever felt like she has feel free to come talk to me, because i will try to understand you as much as i can.

the main concept of this book is, if you hadn't guessed, the five stages of grief. the titles of each chapter spell it out, vertically.

stage 1 : denial / isolation

stage 2 : anger

stage 3 : bargain

stage 4 : depression

stage 5 : acceptance

now i know i may have been a bit too cliché with this book, but please don't take offense. everyone deals with death and tragedy differently.

this is how dalhee dealt with jimin's.

her first and only love.

but remember that this is not a love storyㅡ i wrote this book without the intention of having a solid love interest, and taehyung was supposed to be the only other member introduced.

i brought yoongi in because i felt like dalhee needed someone that could relate to her, in a sense. someone from the outside that could calm her down and could try and make her understand in a better way than her therapist could. because even though jeongguk was fairly close to jimin as well, he couldn't relate to how broken dalhee became.

i was thinking of maybe having bonus chapters, but i'm not quite sure yet.

maybe a few of those voicemails? the future? hmm..

but thank you for taking the time to read resolution, especially considering that this is it's first draft, and this was all pre-written (finished october 27, 2016), so my writing is probably not like this anymore.

thank you.

take the time to smell the roses, despite the thorns.


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