Part Three

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To Stiles surprise, Derek treated him normally after Theo. The Alpha was constantly annoying, always watching him, and poked fun at him anytime he got the chance. And honestly, Stiles was grateful. The last time they talked about Theo was when Derek made sure he hadn't hurt Stiles. Then Derek had respected his wish to not want to talk about it, and that was that.

Stiles never thought he'd say this, but he soon started to like Derek and being around him soon became his favorite part of the day though he would never admit it. But, of course, they were still at war.

Stiles had promised Derek revenge, and he wasn't one to disappoint. The day prior, they had been eating lunch outside insulting eachother back and forth as usual. (Stiles called it banter, Lydia called it flirting) After Stiles had told Derek that his attempt at revenge was weak, Derek pointed out oh so kindly that Stiles hadn't gotten him back at all yet and had no room to talk.

Well Derek was about to bite his tongue.

Currently it was early morning, so early that Derek wasn't up yet, even though Stiles claimed he woke with the sun.
Stiles stood in front of Derek's sleeping form, with a bucket of ice cold water. This would be sweet, sweet revenge. Stiles took a moment to take in the Alpha. He looked so innocent sleeping, almost like a child. He had the blankets up to his chin, burrowing in them as if they were a cocoon. Derek's eyelashes framed his cheeks in a peaceful way, and his lips looked so plump and soft. Stiles wanted to know what they would feel like against his own.

Heat bloomed in his cheeks as he realized what he just thought, and he pushed the warmth in his stomach away so he could focus on what he was about to do. Stiles knew that as soon as Derek woke up, he would have to run for his life so the Alpha didn't kill him. Taking one last breath, he plastered an evil smile on his face and doused his personal guard in ice cold water.

Derek eyes flew wide open and he let out the most unmanly shriek Stiles had ever heard. Laughter bubbled in his chest as he watched the Alpha gulp in air like a fish out of water.

"Wh-what...," he stuttered incoherently as the water chilled him to the bones. Stiles who should have started running by now, was bent over laughing hysterically as tears rolled down his face. Realizing what the omega had done, Derek growled low in his throat interrupting Stiles laughter. Stiles hysterics immediately died down at the look of pure rage on the Alphas face, he was fucked.
"Run," Derek growled, giving the omega a head start. He knew he was going to catch him one way or another, it wasn't a matter of if but when.

Stiles made a mad dash out of the room, and started running like...well like a pissed off Alpha was behind him. And Derek was definatly pissed. He jumped up from the floor following Stiles as he rushed through the house from hallway to hallway. There were a couple times where he almost lost Stiles, but it was easy to find him again, the boy never stopped laughing.

He watched Stiles nightgown clad form rush away from him when he caught the omega by surprise once. But, Derek let him get away. As Stiles said this was war, but letting him go meant Derek could keep chasing him, and continuing to chase Stiles meant he could keep hearing him laugh. Stiles laugh was one of Derek's favorite parts about the omega. Of course he was drop dead gorgeous and feisty and didn't take Derek's shit, but making Stiles laugh was the best thing in the world. His eyes would light up and his cheeks looked like they hurt from smiling so much, and if making Stiles laugh meant that Stiles won this little game between them, well he could live with that.
"Giving up that easily? My Alpha? Come on I expect more from you. Prove yourself to me," Stiles called to him from the end of another long corridor. Derek paused, heart swelling with pride at the fact that Stiles called him his Alpha, he wanted to be Stiles's Alpha so much it hurt.

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