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Taylor and Adam begin to pack their things into their suitcases. They had one hour to get ready before they had to catch a plane back to New York. Adam was doing most of the packing, while Taylor showered and made herself look presentable.

Taylor decided to wear a light blue crop top with a matching pair of high-waisted shorts. She slipped on a pair of nude wedges before standing in front of the bathroom mirror and examining herself. She applied a thin line of black eyeliner to her eyelid, added some blush to her cheeks, and finished off her look with her signature red lips. She thankfully had had enough time to let her hair air dry and see if it looked decent enough. Today, it fell in little almost-ringlets of curls that framed her face. She had been missing her curls lately and left it untouched.

She finished helping Adam pack up everything and they headed down to the lobby. They checked out of the hotel and headed to a small coffee shop for a quick snack before catching another cab and arriving at the airport.

They finally arrived back home at Taylor's apartment the next morning. Andrea arrived just as they did and dropped off Meredith and Olivia as promised. Adam begin speaking with Andrea while Taylor greeted her cats. "I think I might propose soon. I know I probably shouldn't be telling you this before her but, I want to know if you think it's a good idea," Adam whispered to Andrea.

"I think it would be an appropriate time seeing as she is no longer on tour, she's emotionally stable, and she seems to enjoy your company. I do know however, that you are leaving tomorrow and won't be back for a couple of days. I'd make sure you propose after you get back."

"Thank you. I will. I'll talk to you later," Adam finished. "Taylor, should we start unpacking?" Taylor gave him a dreadful look and mimicked a child who wasn't getting their way.

"I guess we can start unpacking. Bye Mom. I love you."

They finished unpacking and found themselves with plenty of time left on their hands. "Should we go shopping? Or for a walk? Or just do something?" Adam asked her. Taylor shook her head. That made sense. It was always best to avoid paparazzi. They settled for watching a movie.

Taylor snuggled up to Adam and pecked his cheek. Adam kissed her neck. Their lips met and Adam's hands trailed down to Taylor's waist. Taylor pulled back, alarmed. "What's wrong?"

"Adam, I don't want to go there."

"That's alright Taylor, we don't have to. I don't want to rush you in any way. You are aware that I have to leave tomorrow though, aren't you?"

"Yes, I am. I wish you didn't have to go. I understand though. I literally just got off of a tour. It's our jobs and it's alright. I will miss you."

"I'll miss you too sweetheart. You'll have the cats. And I will talk to you everyday. Besides, it's only for three days. Then I'll be back here with you. In the mean time, what would you like to do?" Adam asked.

"I was thinking that maybe we could just do what we were doing. We could go all the way if you really wanted to."

"I'm not gonna do that to you babe. You said no. And that means no. Of course, kissing is fine. I just don't want to feel like I'm using you."

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For caring."

Out of the Spotlight (A Taylor Swift Fanfiction) PART 2 UP NOW!!Where stories live. Discover now