Unread Messages

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Adam left the next morning in quite a rush. He overslept and had to quickly gather everything he needed to take with him. He didn't bother waking Taylor up since she was so soundly asleep. She always looked so beautiful and peaceful while resting and he didn't want to disturb her. He instead, picked up his phone and sent her a text that read, "I decided that I didn't want to disturb you this morning. I love you and I will see you soon."

Adam set his phone down on the kitchen table while he fed the cats and made himself a cup of coffee. He left a note for Taylor that the cats already had food and would not be needing more. He grabbed his coffee and his luggage and left Taylor's apartment.

Taylor woke up an hour later to the sound of Olivia's soft purrs right next to her face. She lazily grabbed her glasses off of the bedside table to avoid putting contacts in quite yet. She followed Olivia to the kitchen where she discovered the note from Adam. "Looks like you already ate, Olivia. You'll just have to wait until dinner."

Taylor pulled a box of cereal out of the cupboard and poured herself a bowl. She grabbed the milk from the fridge and added the milk in. She grabbed a spoon and sat down at the kitchen table. Quietly, she enjoyed her cereal and watched her cats while they relaxed. Something shiny caught her eye on the table. It just so happened to be Adam's phone. 'He must have accidentally left it,' she thought.

She grabbed her phone to text him, then remembered that would be useless since his phone sat there on her kitchen table. She grabbed the phone from across the table and clicked the power button. The screen brightened to reveal a picture of Olivia and Taylor. Taylor smiled at the memory of when that picture was taken, then typed in Adam's passcode. A message appeared in the screen that stated she had entered the wrong passcode. She was 99.9% positive that she knew his passcode.

She figured that he must've changed it recently enough that he just hadn't found a time to mention his passcode. That was the only logical explanation, since he knew her passcode. Taylor remembered how forgetful Adam could be, and peeled off the phone case to reveal a slip of paper that read "9375". She figured that must be his new passcode and entered it into his phone. The phone unlocked with a click and Taylor noticed that Adam had 7 unread messages.

Taylor debated wether she should open them or not. They were not her text messages but, she figured Adam would be perfectly fine with it. She opened the messages app and looked to see who had sent the messages. Shockingly, the messages were from Ellie and one of Adam's friends. Taylor didn't recognize the name.

The text messages from Ellie read:

I had a great time last night. Let's do it again sometime.
-delivered December 9-

How about a date before you leave to see Taylor?
-delivered December 10-

You haven't told Taylor anything, have you?
-delivered December 11-

You're welcome at my place anytime, in case you have forgotten.
-delivered December 11-

I miss you.
-delivered December 12-

Taylor couldn't believe what she had just read. Adam had cheated on her with her own friend. It didn't seem like it even bothered Ellie at all. Taylor didn't know if she could survive reading the last 2 texts from Adam's friend but, she still read them.

Have you left Taylor yet?
-delivered December 10-

Or are you actually considering proposing to her?
-delivered December 11-

Out of the Spotlight (A Taylor Swift Fanfiction) PART 2 UP NOW!!Where stories live. Discover now