Chapter 1

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Harper's POV

I got up very early beacause my plane should start already at 8:00 am. My father had brought my suitcase already into the car, so I only had to change my clothes.

When we arrived after about half an hour just before 6:00 am in the London Heathrow Airport, it was still dark outside and it had started to rain. But with the warm August air it was bearable. I was excited like never before despite that I flew very often. To fly alone was for me still new. In addition, you flew at least eight hours, but I was still tired so it should not be a problem to bridge the time. Again I wanted to go throught the plan for the next few weeks.

My mother Evelyn, of which I have my dark brown hair and my small body height, and my father Daniel, of which I have the inherited slightly dark skin, accompanied me to the entrance. And after a long passage I went to my Gate. As the flight from London to Chicago was called, I stood up and grabbed my things.

When I found my seat, I stowed my luggage and sat down. After all the passengers had taken their seats, the pilot wished us a good flight and announced the flight time.

Now I was on the plane to Chicago. Nine and a half hours for me to think about my adventure and the next few weeks.

I'll have to look for a place where I can spend the next weeks. I'll probably spend the first week in a hotel, beacause I want to get accustomed to my new job before I stress myself with my accommodation search.
Since I already sent my application in writing for a newspaper as a journalist, as these required a temporary help and I quickly received the promise of my six weeks I'll start to work on Monday there. I am glad that I already got a job for the initial weeks, so I don't have to worry about a job I can prepare myself for the next months. After the six weeks I am planning to fly from Chicago to Arizona and visit the national parks, hopefully I have earned the money that I need for a flight. Althought I have not booked anything yet and I applied to no other companies because something could always come between my plans, but I have some ideas which cities I want to visit.

After several try and somehow to find a comfortable position, I gave up and devoted myself to the movies offered on board. After I watched Tom Hanks as Sam telling his admirable story about his life in Sleepless in Seattle and in Forrest Gump as a kind-hearted and courageous man going through the time history, I slowly fell asleep. I woke up from a high voice right next to my ear. A stewardess in blue uniform told me that we were about to begin the final approach and that I should put my seat back to an upright position and buckle me.

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