Bachelorette party??

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This is Nicole's picture

Warning: language, sexual scenes if you're not into these things read something else
Copyright blah blah blah

Elena's POV

-You've reached Stefan. Sorry I missed your call. Please leave a name and number and I'll get back to you.

-Hi you've reached Alaric Saltzman please leave a message after...

-Hey, this is Damon. Leave me a message or don't. Do me a favour, don't text me. It's gay.

-This is Nicole, sorry I can't come to the phone right now leave a message.

"Anything"? Bonnie asked me

"I've tried them all" I answered her. I'm so worried!

None of them haven't called back and my wedding is today!!!

"It keeps going straight to voicemail"

"Well there has to be an explanation" Caroline tried to calm me down but I AM NOT CALMING DOWN I'M FREAKING OUT!!

"Elena it's vegas. You lose track of time in casinos. There's no windows, there's no clocks." Caroline said trying to comfort me again.

*phone starts ringing*
- Hello?

-*sigh* Elena, it's Damon.

- Damon, where the hell are you guys? I'm freaking out

- yeah listen. Uh...we fucked up

- what are you talking about?

- the bachelor party, the whole night. It... Things got out of control, uh...and we lost Stefan.

- what?!!!?

- we can't find Stefan

- what are you saying Damon?? We're getting married in 5 hours.

- yeah..that's not gonna happen

A couple days before...

Nicole's POV

I'm currently with Alaric in his apartment and we are both training together. By the way, I'm a hybrid just letting you all know.

"Put more pressure on your fist Nicole" Alaric said with his arms crossed

*punches 3 more times then knocks the punching bag off the ceiling*

"How was that?" I asked puffing out

before Alaric could answer Damon bursts into the room with Stefan and Jeremy.

before Alaric could answer Damon bursts into the room with Stefan and Jeremy

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