Mike tyson?

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Damon's POV

*20 min later back at the hotel*

"Wait guys. Guys. What about the tiger? What if he got out?" Ric asked.

thank god Nicole calmed down now..she's so scary when she's mad and hot.

"Oh fuck I keep forgetting about the goddamn tiger" I said closing my eyes

"How the fuck did he get in there?" Jer asked

"I don't know because I don't REMEMBER" Nicole said emphasising angrily on 'remember' to Jer

"Nicole shh keep it down" I said putting my finger to my lips

My girl needs to calm down..wait My girl? Oh how I wish that would be true.

I unlocked the door and we all looked at each other..wtf that's so weird I hear music

"Did we leave the music on?" Ric asked
"Hey. Shh" I told him putting my finger on my lips and walking slowly into our suite.

I turned to face everyone and said
"Don't make any sudden movements" I faced the front and all of a sudden a ran into this big black guy

"Uh. Whoa!" He said

"Ah! Who the hell are you?" I asked

"No, who are you?" The big guy asked

"Quiet, quiet" whoa what?! Mike Tyson??

"Mike Tyson?" Nicole asked with her mouth open

"Shh this is my favourite part coming up right now" Mike said.

Then he starts pretending to play drums while singing the song

"Need a chorus line guys" he told us
We all started singing along with Mike then


"Oh Jesus!" Ric said going down and checking up on Jeremy

"Oh fuck!" Nicole and I said at the same time

"Why did you do that?" I asked angrily holding my hands out

"Mr Tyson would like to know why is his tiger in your bathroom." The big guy said

"Alright look, we were drugged last night we have no memory of what happened" I explained more calmly

"It's true" Nicole backed me up standing next to me

"Look buddy we got in all kinds of trouble last night and now we can't find our friend.

So if you wanna kill us, go ahead because I don't care anymore." Ric said

"What are you talking about?" I asked him

"I don't care! Why the fuck would you wanna steal his tiger?" Big guys asked loudly

"We tend to do dumb shit when we're fucked up." Nicole answered. Couldn't have said it better than myself

"I don't believe these guys man" Mike piped in

"Wait how did you guys find us?" I asked

"One of you dropped your jacket. Found it in the Tigers' cage this morning" big guy said handing us a black jacket

"That's Stefan's!" Nicole took it and held it

"Yeah Stefan. His wallet and his room key is in there." Big guy said

"No that's our missing friend" Ric said

"I don't give a fuck" big guy snapped

"Did you guys see him?" Nicole asked with hope in her eyes

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