Chapter 3

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Author's Note: Hey, all! So, I realized upon review that the last chapter I posted was really quite short. Normally, I would just go back and see if there was something that could be added to enhance the chapter, but since it's on Wattpad, not just Microsoft Word, I figure that what's done is done. I just wanted to point out that most chapters will be longer than that one (on Word, that one was two pages, normally they are closer to four), and this chapter is a bit longer. Sorry about that!

I can't seem to help writing extremely long author's notes, but I assure you that if you stick with me through these you'll get some insight into my mind and at the end will find a story which (I hope) you will love!

I want to thank those who haven't been silent readers (NiaMartin, I'm talking about you). By that I mean, she follows me, votes, and comments. It's not that hard, people, I promise! A simple comment about what you're looking forward to in the coming chapters, or what could be improved on, would mean so much to me. If you don't have an account, make one---it's really easy!

Also, I wanted to give credit to my writing inspiration this week. I've been wriitng a lot, and thanks to the things that have motivated me: Friends, the amazing TV series, the Shaytards daily vlogs on YouTube (go check one out:, and The Life and Times, the best marauder-era Harry Potter fanfic I've read ( Thanks to those, I've finished two chapters in the past week. Yay!

This chapter is dedicated to thewritingviolinist, for being one of my new followers! Thanks, girl.

With that said, let's get on to the story, before you all kill me.


Kay (dreamer44)


----- Annabelle -----

"Here are your blankets and pillow," I said, handing the pile to Maggie, who was putting her sheets on her bed in the cabin that would be her home for the next eight weeks.

"God, Mags, why did you bring so many pairs of flip flops?" Tim asked upon opening her trunk to find four different colored pairs of the sandals.

"You never know when one will break or get covered in mud," Maggie said. "Belle, can you put this stack of books in my cubby over there?" I placed the books in her cubby on the wall in between two beds. "Alright, I think I'm all done setting up." Maggie concluded.

"Maggie!" The screen door slammed as a girl came running into the cabin, her blonde hair swinging behind her. She threw herself on Maggie in a hug. Maggie stumbled backwards and the two fell back onto her bed. "Yay! It's been like forever! You need to like move to Colorado so we can hang out or something."

Maggie laughed. "Becks, I don't think that would work."

"I know," Becks said, as two guys around our age threw open the door and walked in.

"Hey, Maggie," the first, a tall sandy blonde-haired boy said in a British accent.

Maggie ran from Becks' arms and gave the boy a forceful hug. "I missed you, Ryder!" I smiled to myself at the idea that this was the boy who constantly occupied Maggie's thoughts. He looked exactly like the type of guy she would be interested in. She moved over and gave the other, Nathan, I presumed, a hug too.

"Okay, Mags, we should get on the road. I don't want to hit rush hour traffic." Tim put his hand on Maggie's shoulder. She turned and pouted.

"Aww," she gave Tim a hug almost as big as the one she gave Ryder. Then she gave me an even bigger one. "Bye, Belle," she said. "I'll write," she announced to the room. Then, Tim and I picked up the bags Maggie wanted us to take with us until it was time for her to come home once again, waved, and got into the car to go back to Reid.

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