Chapter 22

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Author's Note: Hey all! Cheers to reestablishing the weekly updates!

Special thanks to my newest follower, Jenny_Ashley_!

A longer A/N this week, because I'm feeling happy and wordy.

I'm so glad that I finally found the motivation to finish this story.  There are two chapters after this one, and I've only got about one and a half chapters left to write.  The fact that I've almost finished a novel-length story astounds me.

Motivation for this week goes to: Fireflies, patio furniture, Shawn Colvin, homemade Challah, salted caramel Rice Krispie treats, lemon macarons, polar bears, five-mile runs, the song "Lanterns" by Birds of Tokyo, best friends, tea parties, herbs, people who believe in magic, dreams, and those people who unexpectedly you miss the most.

Let me know what you think of the chapter.

Kay (dreamer44)


----- Annabelle -----

            And here we were again.  Yet another day which I was totally dreading had dawned.  This one, however, was slightly different from the slew of unhappy days I had faced this summer.

            I was happy, perfectly content with most aspects of my life.  My relationship with my best friend had been repaired.  I was in love.  I felt closer than I ever had with my siblings.  However, there was that tiny catch that was making me wish with all of my heart that I could have avoided this day, Saturday the twenty-second of August, altogether.

            Today was the day that I had to say goodbye to Tim.

            He was leaving bright and early the next morning (six A.M., to be precise) to drive down to South Carolina for move-in day for college.  I knew that, in all likelihood, today would join the large collection of others labeled "Days of the Summer During Which Annabelle Cried."

            At midday I rode my bike to the Hansen's-Leigh was visiting her friend Hannah in Gunter and Ian had gone off for the day with Natalie, leaving me without a car, as per the usual.  The day was hot and humid, and so the sensation of the air rushing past me as I coasted down the road made the bike ride enjoyable.

            Mrs. Hansen opened the door when I rang the bell.  She smiled at me warmly and said, "Hi, Annabelle! Come in.  Maggie's upstairs in her room."

            "Uh-I actually came to see Tim."  I stepped inside.

            "Oh, right.  He's upstairs in his room, too."

            Tim had told his parents about our relationship the same day that Maggie and I had made up.  They were good sports about the whole things, just as I had known they would be, but evidently it was a big mental adjustment for everyone to make.

            Once upstairs, I knocked on Maggie's door.  I felt as though I should acknowledge that I was there, even if it wasn't to see her.  Despite the fact that Maggie and I were okay now, I still sometimes felt as though I were treading on cracked eggshells.

            "Hey, Mags," I said, poking my head through her doorway.

            "Hey!" She looked up from the book on her lap.  "Did you text me? Wait, don't answer that."  Realization dawned in her eyes.  "You're here for Tim, aren't you?  To say goodbye?"

            I nodded.  "Just thought I'd pop in to say hello first."

            "Well, I'm glad you did.  I can't miss one of my last- and, come to think of it, first- chances to be mom-like where this situation is concerned."  She grinned.  "I'm right here if you need me.  Literally, right here.  Remember, Tim and I share a wall, and I've got ears that catch all.  So I'll hear everything you do.  Everything.  So, no last hookup hurrah.  I'll know."

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