Chapter 15

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Author's Note: Buongiorno! Hello my lovely litterature enthusiast friends! Are you ready to get back to Memories in Jars?! I am!!!

I hope you enjoy this chapter :) If you are having trouble remembering what happened, feel free to go back and review older chapters.

This chapter is dedicated to SilverHoney, one of my newest followers! Thanks girl!

Motivation for this week goes to: Anne of Green Gables, and Gilmore Girls.

Please, please, please, Vote and Comment, Follow me, Send me a Private Message, you name it!


Peace. Love.

<3 Kay (dreamer44)

----- Annabelle -----

Today, like the four other days since Saturday, I woke up at five thirty grumpily and lay, tossing and turning, in my bed until ten.

I was miserable. All I could think about was Tim. Now that a few days had passed, I could barely remember what had driven me to break it off with him. Why? What had made me think that was the best idea? Why hadn't I just made sure we tell Maggie as soon as she returned from camp? Clearly, I hadn't been thinking straight.

The alarm that I had set on my phone the night before, in the hopes that I would sleep until it was time to babysit and it would have to wake me up, softly began playing the first few notes to "Nightswimming." Before I heard any more of it, I swung my hand and slammed the "Off" button. But it still affected me. A few tears rolled out of the corners of my eyes. I wiped them away angrily with a swipe of my sheet. Why hadn't I changed the song that the alarm played? Why did I want to make this harder on myself?

I knew the answer. I was in love with him-still-plain and simple. God, sometimes I could just be so dumb.

I dragged myself out of bed and changed, ate a yogurt, and brushed my teeth, and went on my way. Sunday night, I had texted Tim a curt note telling him that I didn't need him to drive me anymore, just in case he thought that was still on. Not that I had a ride, but I did not want to drive with him. But, as it turned out, Ian had let me use the car every day this week.

The sign of the coffee shop in Reid on the border of Blue River popped up next to the trees. "Cathy's Caffeine Cravings!" The sign shouted. "Best coffee and pastries in town!" I decided to turn into the shop's parking lot. I deserved a pick-me-up.

Inside, the shop was slightly air conditioned but still cozy. It was filled with little metal bistro tables and smelled like the homey scent of cinnamon and coffee. I got in line and played absently with my hair as I looked at the menu and decided what to order.


My head snapped up at the sound of the voice I knew so well. Tim was walking away from the counter, a coffee in hand, towards me.

Immediately, my eyes started watering. I opened my mouth without a clue of what was going to come out and made a small squeaking noise, then forced myself to snap my jaw shut.

"Are you alright?" Tim asked, moving closer to me. He reached out his hand to touch my arm.

I shrunk back, fearing that his touch would cause the tears to spill out.

Again, I opened my mouth and then shut it. I just couldn't deal with it right then. "I'm sorry," I blurted out, and then pushed past him and walked briskly to my car.

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