Chapter 5

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Author's Note: Hello all! Short author's note this week, as I'm about to head off to lunch with a friend and then to the gym. 

I've been incredibly busy this week, and thus little progress on the story has occured, but hopefully I'll find time to write this weekend.

Inspiration for getting me through the week goes to: Elton John (again)

Dedicated to NiaMartin, for being a true fan. <3

Hope you enjoy! Please vote and comment and follow me!


Kay (dreamer44)


----- Annabelle -----

            I couldn’t sleep all night because I was thinking of Tim on his date, wondering how it went and wishing that I had been the one there with him.  Starting at twelve o’clock, when I attempted to go to bed, I tossed and turned under my sheets, his face in my mind, behind my eyelids when I closed them, dominating every wakeful dream I had.

            When the clock turned to six, I gave up attempting to sleep and rolled out of bed, grumbling and tired.  Then, I wrote a letter to Maggie with a cup of coffee in hand until I heard sounds coming from the rest of the house.

            I had been receiving letters from her two or three times a week, and she had been telling me great stories of outdoor adventures and getting stuck in the rain in a canoe on the lake, as well as detailing her progressing relationship with Ryder.  I was jealous of the small progress that she had made.  If only I could make that sort of headway with Tim.

            When I heard Leigh’s door open a little before eight, I got up to talk to her before she was able to disappear anywhere.

            “Leigh, can I have the car today?” I asked.  “I’m babysitting from eleven to four in Blue River.”  I had been hired a few weeks before to babysit three children a town over from Reid three days a week during the summer.  The only problem was that there were only two cars that Leigh, Ian, and I shared, and when I had asked Ian the same question yesterday, he had told me that he and Natalie were taking the car on some outing, though, being Ian, he didn’t specify where.  Unfortunately, as the youngest sibling, my needs were on the bottom of the list.  If Leigh and Ian both needed the cars, it was always me who was out of luck.

            “No, sorry Anna,” she said.  She still looked half-asleep, and her hair was piled in a messy bun on top of her head.  She rubbed her eyes and walked slowly, appearing dazed by the light of the day, towards the bathroom.  “I’m going over Hannah’s house this morning, and then I’ve got work.  And it’s Wednesday, so I’ll probably go over to Ruth’s afterwards.  But I can drive you there.”

            I sighed.  Sometimes it could be annoying to have two older siblings.  And who was Ruth?

            “Okay, I guess that will be fine.  I can try to get a ride home from Grace,” I said. I thought that the last time I had hung out with Grace she had said she was free in the evenings.  I would ask her later.

            At four o’clock, it became clear that finding a ride home was not going to be as easy as I had thought.  I had already called my parents, Rachel, Grace, two other friends from school, and even Ian to see if they could come to get me, but with no luck.  Any other day, I would have wanted to ask Tim if he could get me, but I was feeling apprehensive because of the day before.  Still, my desire to see him, sad or not, won.  I texted Tim, and within minutes I got a response and a ride.

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