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You could hear the ocean waves. You woke up, and it's 8:00 a.m.
This is nice, you thought.
You noticed a note sticking out on the side of your door... It was clearly written in cursive.
The note read:
I never met someone who's just as intelligent as you... Though, I would consider myself to be...
"That's odd."
Placing the note in your pocket, you went ahead and got yourself ready for the day. As soon as you made yourself presentable, you headed towards something that appeared to be a
"Hmm... I think I'll make pancakes," you said to yourself.
When you finished preparing the breakfast, you went ahead and tried waking the Pines.
"Dipper, Mabel, Ford, and Stan!" you called out, "breakfast is ready!" They all woke up and you greeted them with a friendly gesture.
"That smells delicious," Ford said.
"Wow- ehr uhmm... Thanks," Stan said.
"Pancakes!?" Mabel said joyfully.
"Yes, just for you guys!" you said with a grin. When you said that, Dipper and Mabel hugged your legs.
"Thank you," the twins said in unison.
"Let's eat," Stan said
When they started eating, you brought up the something that you wondered about.
"Do any of you happen to know who this note is from?" you asked, pulling the slip of paper out.
"Ehm- no," Stan said with a cough.
"It looks like Grunkle Ford's handwriting that's for sure," Mabel said, taking the note from your hands.
Ford's eyes widened. "May I see that?"
he said, taking the slip.
"Surely, this couldn't have been me..."
"I still think it's Ford," Stan said crossing his arms stubbornly.
Something tipped the ship to one side, leaving it slightly unbalanced.
"What's that!?" Dipper asked.
Rushing to see what it was, you ran to only meet face-to-face with the monster. Its eyes seemed to glow, it had wings, and a nasty set of teeth.
"Stand back guys!" you said grabbing one of Ford's spears, and throwing it right into the cornea of its eye. Dipper and Mabel were left stunned with your movements.
"Ah! Ford! Stan! I need some assistance!" you yelled when the creature blindly grabbed your leg with its tentacles.
Ford managed to pull his gun out, and he shot it straight at the giant creature and at that instant, it let you go. Meanwhile, Stan was throwing punches, until he managed to punch it off the ship. The ship sustained balance once the weight sunk into the depths.
"Are you alright?" Ford asked you.
"Yes- I'm fine."
Ford offered you his hand, you took it and stood up.
"Thank you, both of you," you managed to say.
"Eh- no problem. Ford's the hero today," Stan said.
"Hahaha...okay," you said throwing your arms on Ford. The hug made Ford blush hard. After you let go, Ford stood there shocked.
"Oh- I'm sorry," you said really embarrassed.
"Ah- n-no it's okay really," Ford said rubbing the back of his neck, still blushing.
"EEEeeeEeeeeEeeeEeeee!" Mabel squealed excitedly.
"I'm glad you kids are safe," you said smiling.
"That was amazing!" Dipper said.
"I barely killed it," you said with a chuckle.
"That's true-" Stan said.
"Stanley!" Ford barked, nearly knocking over Stan.
You started to giggle, and your giggle turned into a laugh, and everyone laughed along with you.

Ford Pines and You (This story is going to the dumps; I swear to Cipher.)Where stories live. Discover now