The Time We Have Together

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You hear the sound of waves... You realized you had a peaceful rest with Ford. Your eyes begin to open, and right next to you is the one who kept you warm the entire night- he's still asleep; you don't want to bother him.
You hear shuffling sounds- Maybe it's Mabel...?
"Are you awake?" Mabel whispers to you. You nod.
"I'm so happy! Grunkle Ford is happy too!" Mabel said, still whispering.
"Hm?" Ford says, rubbing his eyes.
"Remember last night? Last night was cuddle night!" Mabel said.
"I feel much warmer now," Ford said, smiling at you.
"Hmm- I'm going to make some calculations for our next destination," Ford said, walking away.
"Good Morni- hey, where's Great Uncle Ford!?" Dipper said when he finally woke up.
"He's making calculations. I'll go check on him, okay?" you said
"Go to your soulmate!" screamed Mabel.
You giggled a little, and headed to where Ford was making calculations on a table. He was so busy that he didn't notice you- his work was amazing!
He had his back turned- so you decided to put your arms over him while he worked, and he didn't mind. Then, you
leaned in, and rested your head on top of his head.
"Hello," he said, still working.
"Do you need help with those calculations, Ford?" you said.
"Sure! Help me with this one," Ford said, pointing out something he needed to solve. You walked over to sit across from him, and you solved it quickly- he seemed to be satisfied with your work.

After an hour of figuring out the calculations, you prepared breakfast, and everyone ate happily. After breakfast, Ford and you went on the deck of the ship.
"Hmm, fresh air," you said, breathing.
"Yep, haha," Ford said, looking at you.
It was quiet- until Ford broke the silence.
"Besides Stan, Dipper, and Mabel, you never joked around with my defect- and for that, I thank you."
You smiled at him, and blushed a little.
Dipper was walking towards Ford and you.
"Oh, hello Dipper," Ford and you said in unison.
"Hi," Dipper said, smiling and waving at you.
"Great Uncle Ford? Can I talk to you for a second?" Dipper asked, a little worried.
"Yes," Ford said.
Ford walked with Dipper and they started talking in a place where you couldn't hear them, and you just watched the water bobbing up and down...
"Great Uncle Ford, I have bad news."
"What is it?"
"Mabel thinks that you're gonna get married to someone and she's making posters."
"Oh Dipper, it's not all that bad if Mabel does such things."
"I'm going to see Mabel now-" you said, leaving the deck. Ford's eyes widened, but before he could stop you, you already left.

You saw Mabel drawing something, and you started to wonder what it was-
"Mabel, what is that you're drawing?" you asked.
"G-Grunkle Ford and you!" she said, giggling.
You smiled because this child really cared about your relationship with Ford.
"That's awfully sweet of you, Mabel," you said, staring at the drawing.
"I-I don't think your Great Uncle is ready for a relationship though," you said, frowning a little.
"Hey! Cheer up! I will help you out!" Mabel said, grinning widely.
"How exactly?" you asked.
"You'll see," she said with a giggle.

A couple of days passed, and you grew closer to Ford. He would always kiss you on the cheek. You had no idea what Mabel did, and that made you wonder, What did she do?  Today's Christmas Eve.
"M-May I talk to you?" Ford asked, staring at you.
"I-I know it's ridiculous, and I know it's only been a few days but-" he slid on one knee.
"You have been the most intellectual and beautiful woman I ever encountered in my life," Ford said, a little nervous. You cried a little at what you were hearing.
He said your first and last name loudly,"W-will you m-marry m-me?"
Ford slid the ring on your finger, and pulled you in for a kiss.
You heard sobbing... And you spotted Stan crying.
"So beautiful! It's kind of my life- in a way," Stan said, trying to fight back a flood of tears.
"Yay!" Mabel said, grinning.
You let go of Ford when you realized you had an audience- but he had his arm wrapped around your waist.
"H-hey, can I call you Grauntie Ford for a nickname?" Mabel asked.
You turned to look at him, "Is that okay with you?"
"Yes," Ford said.
"Woo hoo!" Mabel said, jumping up and down, and doing her little dance shortly after.
"I like that nickname," Ford said, kissing your forehead.

Ford Pines and You (This story is going to the dumps; I swear to Cipher.)Where stories live. Discover now