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Minghao's POV.


"Am I dead"

"No silly, your in our bed. I heard you screaming and woke you up"

I opened my eyes to see Junhui in front of my, I quickly wrapped my arms around him and started crying.

"ummm...Are you okay?" He said as he wrapped his arms around me.

I then explained my whole nightmare to him (AN: I'm too lazy to write everything out) He widened his eyes and also started crying.

"Oh My Gosh Minghao, I'd never do that, I love you so much. Don't ever think that I would leave you, I swear that I will never ever leave you"

He held out his pinky and I laughed and looked at him. Instead I grabbed his shirt and kissed him and then we started making out.

"Are you okay Minghao-um isn't it a little early for you two to be making out" Seungkwan said as he ran into our room.

"He just had a bad dream, and no its never too early to kiss my favorite person in the world"

Gosh he's making me blush again.

"Don't worry Seungkwan I'm fine....hi Vernon " I said when I saw him standing behind Seungkwan holding his hand.

"Um, are you two by any chance..."

"NO" they both replied instantly and let go of each others hands.

"Wow, they are terrible at covering up their relationship" Junhui said in Chinese and I nodded in response.

"Well, I hope you feel better Minghao and I'm going back to get some more sleep before school starts. Are you coming Vernon."

"Yeah, I'll be there in a second Seungkwan"

Seungkwan left and Vernon stood there awkwardly "Um, so what exactly happened."

"I just had a bad dream and thought I was dead so I started screaming."

"Oh...Well I should probably go back or else Seungkwan is going to get mad at me."

"Ok, bye"

Vernon left and we just sat there for a while and then I put my arms around him. He silently laughed and we started cuddling "lets just stay like this for a while"

I nodded and we stayed like that until we had to get ready for school.

We washed up, well I tried to, and then went to the kitchen to eat breakfast.

Then when everyone was ready we headed off to school.

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