Chapter Two: New Beginings

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I slowly wake up in the morning, or what I'm guessing is the morning.

It's then that I notice that I have something in my mouth.

 I reach up and grab it looking at it and then realize that it is a paci, and that I also wearing a diaper and a sky blue onsie.

Looking around I see that  I am laying in a good size crib meant for adults.

I start to wonder how I got here.

It suddenly hits me then, as I remember my parents.

 I remembered what they said and did, then the mystery man in the alley way then a car seat.

What a weird, twist of fate and timing I think, before I am interrupted by my stomach growling loudly at me.

 I begin to cry, and all the awhile fail to, notice that I had wet my diaper making it even more uncomfortable.

 So I did the only thing I could think of.

 I screamed, around the paci as a man came in through the door.

I slowed my crying down to soft whimpers, as he came over with a smile playing upon his face before he started cooing at me.

The mystery man had midnight black hair, forest green eyes with the kindest smile I ever seen.  

That still doesn't mean that I will trust him all the way though, as I know now just how deceiving a smiling face can be.

"Hey sweetheart, my name is Quinn but you can call me daddy." He coos at me pausing shortly as if thinking before continuing.

"Did you sleep well?" The strange man, that I now know as daddy ask me as I just stared up at him.

I started to cry again as my ruined nappy rubbed my soar behind.

I watched as his  face scrunched up a bit going through a mental checklist, before recognition crosses his face while he leans in to grab me.

"Aww is my poor baby boy wet and need of a diapy change ?" He softly cooed at me, while he picked me up out of the crib placing me on his hip.

He then preceded to put me onto a changing table, where he started to change my diaper.

To distract me from my horrible discomfort, he begin to tickle  my belly gently while I cooed and gurgled at his silliness around the paci in my mouth.

I am once again lifted up and onto his hip.

"All done my sweet baby boy, are you hungry?"

My stomach answered for me in a loud vibrating growl, that I felt a blush creep up on my cheeks as he just smiles and takes me down stairs to be fed.

"What would you like to eat today, sweetheart?" He asked me while I think for a moment..

"Mm Stawbeiez" I ask daddy excitedly.

I remember them, but hadn't had them since I was like two.

He smiles brightly again at me before settling me in my highchair and new onsie.

 I watch curiously as he goes to the fridge to grab out the strawberries.

I make grabby hands at the bowl, and he chuckles softly be  feeding them to me, making silly faces.

I know what you are thinking, how could I trust him when I didn't even know him at all?

Or even know what has happened to me, and that I am now acting like a baby.

Well to tell you the truth I feel safe around him, and well if you had a shitty life with parents who didn't care and even tried to kill you.

 And then proceeded to  almost starve you to the brink of death, only giving you enough bread and water every other day to make your pathetic existence , to live just to end up thrown out on the streets slowly freezing to death.

Well then you should know then, that I would take this easier life not filled with torture and pain and if all I have do is be this man's baby then I will just have to be the best damn baby ever then for my new Daddy!

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