Chapter Four: Baby Boy (part two)

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I was awoken in the morning by a loud crying, so I got out of bed and made my way down the hall to Rayin's nursery.

I found him, laying in his crib with what looked like a full and uncomfortable diaper.

"Hey Sweetheart, my name is Quinn but you can call me Daddy." I coo down at my sweet baby boy, taking a pause to stare at his multicolor eyes and sweet brown hair and creamy skin.

I reached down and picked him up out, his crib when he started to cry even louder.

 Most likely from a soar bottom, from laying in the crib with a ruined nappy.

I lifted him to my hip, then over to the changing table.

 Where I layed my sweet angel down for a diaper change.

 I tickled his little belly when I took off his sky blue onsie .

I watched as he cooed and gurlged up at me around his pacifier, as I tickled his little belly to keep him from his discomfort.

I smiled wider and finished wiping him, and putting on a clean nappy with a cute, Spiderman onsie on him and then lift him up on to my hip.

"Are you hungry baby boy" I coo at him, but before he can answer his stomach growls loudly and he blushes.

I chuckle, while I walk/carry my little one down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"What would you like to eat" I ask him, while settling him in his new highchair.

He  ponders for a second before giggling, saying strawberries but thanks to his paci it comes out more like strawzberiez.

I smile and go to the fridge, grabbing the package of strawberries out before washing them off.

I then, precede to feed him small bites of strawberries, while I take one for my self once in a while.

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