The Wiccan Chosen One (Chap. 7)

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Chapter 7

~~~Daren's P.O.V. ~~~

The Samhain celebration was about ten minutes away from ending and Katheren still looked absolutely entranced. I was just watching her, unable to focus on the festivities, when her smile became a grimace.

She gasped and curled in, taking her head in her hands. Her expression quickly twisted into pain and her breathing shifted into panting.

"Are you okay, Kates?" I whispered in alarm. She shook her head and I grabbed her hand practically dragging her back to my car. Only a few people that we standing right next to us noticed that something was happening.

We were only a few minutes away from my car when she gasped again and fell to the ground. I was barely able to catch her in time. Her body was limp and tense at the same time. I could feel her heart beating frantically against me as I shifted her so I could pick her up and run to my car.

Before I had a hold on her, she was gone. I blinked and looked up and there was Katheren standing in front of me. At least it looked like her.

She was floating about a foot off of the ground and there was a gold light that surrounded her. Wind seemed to be ripping at her, but the air was still. Her blonde hair flew around her like a hurricane and she glared at me with eyes that were liquid silver.

This wasn't my Katheren.

"Finally," a voice gasped. The voice sounded like a group of people had all started to talk at once, both male and female. Then the eyes focused on me. "Witch child. What day is it?"

"Samhain," I answer reflexively, but my voice was grated and just above a whisper. "Where is Katheren?" I demanded, my voice slowly gaining strength. "Who-what are you?"

It laughed. "Has the knowledge truly been lost? Do you really not notice the greatness of The Ancients when they appear before you?" the voices sneered, clearly pissed off by my lack of knowledge.

I didn't have the mind to care. I could only think of one thing. "Where is she? What have you done with her?"

The Ancients laughed, but it didn't seem to contain as many voices as before. "We have possessed her. This is our body now and we don't plan on giving it back," this time it was only a snide female voice that spoke.

"Now Amarantha," a male piped in, "our time has passed, we cannot stay. It is her time now. We are here to guide, not to take her life as our own."

"Silence, Ezra," the annoying voice spoke again that I figured was Amarantha, "I do not care, I have waited countless vessels for this, I refuse to wait anymore!" The gold mist that was surrounding Katheren's body darkened and shifted to black. The ground around me began to shake and trees shifted and seemed to come alive, pulling on their roots.

The cold silvery eyes turned towards me again. "There is only one thing holding me back, she is fighting for you." She smirked and I shivered at how sinister it was. "I know just how to solve that." She pointed a finger at me and roots shot up to envelope me and I felt wind starting to cut off my air. "I kill you and she has no reason to live."

"Amarantha," I heard another female voice shout and I was able to breathe again, but I was still trapped and I couldn't free my hands enough to use a spell. I was completely useless. I hated it. "We do not kill, warlocks do that, we are not evil."

Amarantha's cruel voice laughed. "Aikaterine, so naïve, you will be the first that I rid myself of."

She said started to say a spell in a language that was long dead and I picked up the smell of something burning and rotting flesh.

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