Chapter 9

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As luck would have it, Patrick's New Year's Eve party would be the next time I'd see Harry.  After our phone conversation, I was booked with clients for three days straight, and was doing some promotional activities for his solo efforts, as well as meeting with realtors.  So, it actually worked out perfectly. I find myself starting to miss him though. Aside from a quick text here and there, we really haven't been able to connect. No matter though, because tonight he would get the surprise of a lifetime.  He was just bitching about having to come to this party, "bunch of wankers I don't know getting drunk." I pretended to commiserate with him, but really I was trying not to laugh. The look on his face is going to be priceless!

Finishing all of the last minute errands, Patrick and I finally start the process of setting up and preparing the food.  I mindlessly start humming some tune as I work, and catch Patrick throwing me a sidelong glance. "Hey, so you had your coffee date with Harry the other day. How'd that go?" he asks cautiously.  His question throws me off guard for a moment, but I ignore the alarm bells going off in my head. "It was great! We talked for hours. I'm sure we would've stayed there until late, but he stopped to talk to some fans and had some place to be that night.  Our schedules are a bit complicated, so we're hoping to see each other again this coming week. Funny thing is, he doesn't realize he's gonna see me at your party tonight - he hasn't made the connection! I'm eagerly awaiting the shocked look on his face!" I know I'm rambling a bit, and probably sound like a lovesick teenager, but it's Patrick - I tell him everything.  However, when all I get in response is a "hmm," I stop what I'm doing and turn to look at him.  I have a pretty good inkling where this is going, but after my conversation with Harry over the phone, I know that Patrick's concerns are unfounded.  Granted, the protective older brother routine is often appreciated, but he needs to know I can stand on my own.

"Something you'd like to share with the rest of the class Patrick?" I ask, careful to keep a touch of snark in my voice. He looks at me sideways and at least has the good grace to look a bit chastened, evidently aware that he needs to work on his subtlety.

"Look," he starts, "I'm in no way telling you what to do. Who you date or don't date is entirely up to you. And you deserve this more than anyone I know. You deserve to be swept off your feet, and have a fairy tale happy ending. But as your friend, I refuse to stand idly by if I think there's a huge possibility you're going to get your heart broken.  To do so, would make me a really shitty friend.  This isn't just you starting to date again.  For instance, do you realize that three news outlets have already caught wind of your little coffee date?" I continue to stare at him, impassively, waiting for him to get to his point. "How much do you really know him Nattie?" The use of my nickname, probably to soften me up, is not lost on me. "Probably a little more than the rest of the world. Why?" I respond tersely, refusing to wilt under his 'concerned' gaze. He finally puts down the rag he was using to wipe down the counter and faces me fully, pulling his phone out of his pocket. "I need you to just humor me, and look at something for a minute." He scrolls through his phone for a few moments and then stops, walking over to me. "What do you see?" he asks, handing the phone to me. It takes me a few minutes to zoom in on the picture and headline on the screen, but when I do, I feel a chilll that has nothing to do with the temperature of the room, "Styles Stepping Out With Mystery Lady Friend - Who's the Lucky Girl, Haz?" The pic is admittedly suspicious - whoever took the picture, caught us walking out of the coffee shop.  We were so close together, our arms brushed.  While we weren't holding hands or doing anything inherently "couple-ish," we certainly looked like we could be together.  The picture and the headline were meant as click-bait, but I couldn't escape the uneasiness I felt.  I refuse to let Patrick win though, so I keep my face neutral.

"That's me and Harry," I mutter, trying to sound nonchalant and unbothered. In reality, my heart rate has picked up considerably, and Harry's words from the other day, about not even knowing when the photographers are there, come hurtling back to me. "Patrick, Harry and I had a long conversation about that, where he warned me extensively about some of the things that could happen if we're seen together.  Ok, so some would-be tabloid photography got lucky with these shots.  It's not like we were making out in the middle of the street," I say dismissively, returning his phone to him.

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