Chapter 12

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Make a little conversation

So long I've been waiting

To let go of myself and feel alive

So many nights I thought it over

Told myself I kind of liked her

But there was something missing in her eyes

I was stumbling, looking in the dark

With an empty heart

But you say you feel the same

Could we ever be enough?

Baby we could be enough

And it's alright

Calling out for somebody to hold tonight

When you're lost, I'll find the way

I'll be your light

You'll never feel like you're alone

I'll make this feel like home....

"Home" - One Direction

Harry's POV

At first, I'm not sure why I've been startled awake, my eyes suddenly wide and staring at the ceiling, my heart pounding in my chest.  Then I catch a bright flash from the window and hear the muffled pop of fireworks.  Reaching over to the small side table for my phone, I realize it's two in the morning.  Bloody hell. We get it. It's a new year. Enough already.  Rubbing my eyes to clear the cobwebs, there's a second or two of panic as I come fully awake and don't immediately recognize my surroundings. My eyes then zero in on a picture hanging from the wall across from me, a beautiful brunette with her arms wrapped around a little girl, who's virtually a carbon copy of her. Last night comes flooding back in a rush and I almost feel winded.  The whole night could've been just shit, an epic disaster.  My asshole behavior.  Niall knocking some sense into me, literally. Laying things out on the table with Natalie. Even now, my unprecedented honesty with her has left me feeling almost exposed, like a scab that's been ripped off, revealing the sensitive baby skin underneath.  That kiss.  That kiss was worth the wait, no question.  I involuntarily lick my lips at the memory, wishing I could still taste her there. Fuck if I hadn't wanted to take it further. But, I also know why we stopped it and I'm glad we did. I may be fooling myself in a futile attempt to defy my track record, but I don't want this to be a one-off.  I can't put my finger on it, but something's different this time.  I don't know if it's her, the circumstances, or if I'm changing.  Whereas before I would've approached the situation with a one-track mind, my focus on immediate gratification and nothing else, that need is gone. It's been replaced with something else.  With a heavy sigh, I flop myself back onto the couch and pick up the TV remote, knowing I won't be getting back to sleep any time soon, my brain having been kicked into overdrive.  After a few minutes of mindless channel surfing, I settle on a showing of the Notebook.  Don't judge.  I can watch a chick flick in the middle of the night.  It doesn't count if there are no witnesses. Niall refuses to admit it, but this is absolutely his favorite movie.  I feel a brief moment of guilt over the number of times I've taken the piss, but then it passes.  Wanker. 

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