Chapter 16

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Natalie's POV

Over the next week, schedules become crazily busy. With the holidays now over, the season of New Year's resolutions is upon us. Everybody wants a change for the new year, so the salon has been packed.  I'm often double and triple booked. Meanwhile, Harry had to head back to LA for the week, as he's working on a few solo and writing projects, as well as some possible acting gigs.  However, we're able to talk nightly, even when we can't see each other. I find myself frantically running to grab my phone when it rings.  He also makes sure to send me at least a few flirty texts a day, often at the most inconvenient times, like he somehow knows.  Just this morning, I receive a snap of him laying on his side in his bed, the sheet dangerously low, no shirt, holding the phone out in front of him, with the simple caption "wish you were here ;-)"

  Just this morning, I receive a snap of him laying on his side in his bed, the sheet dangerously low, no shirt, holding the phone out in front of him, with the simple caption "wish you were here ;-)"

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I was walking into work at the time and promptly dropped my Starbucks on the pavement, narrowly missing a customer walking out the door.  After several profusely sputtered apologies, It was all I could do not to curl myself into the fetal position and burst into tears. Asshole.

So, by Thursday, I was missing him more than I thought possible.  I felt antsy, and unsettled, like some crucial piece was missing.  I took solace in the few pics I'd caught of him online, obviously snapped by paps while he was out and about in LA.  Which raised some interesting questions.  At some point, the band will go back out on the road.  If the thing between Harry and I goes the distance, will I be able to handle that level of separation? More importantly, will Emily? She hasn't met him yet, but there's no doubt in my mind that she'll fall madly in love with him.  Then I will have to field the inevitable barage of questions about why he doesn't want to see her anymore, and when is he coming back.  No wonder so many single moms make the choice to not date anymore.  My heart getting broken is one thing. Emily's I won't tolerate. Ugh. Sometimes I wish I could just shut my brain off for a few hours. It's as I'm climbing into bed that night, after tucking Emily in, that Harry calls.  I feel like my heart inflates every time I see his name on the caller ID.  Trying not to sound as flustered as I feel, I pick up the phone with a mumbled "hello?"

"Hiiii. Wow, it's good to hear your voice," he breathes on the other end, that gravelly rasp going straight to my toes.  My grin is so wide it's practically painful. "Same to you," I whisper. After clearing his throat (is he nervous??) he continues speaking, "look, I actually called for a specific reason. I'm gonna be back in town late Saturday night. I have an appointment with a realtor on Sunday to look at several properties...and I was hoping you an Emily would come with.  I could really use your more refined female opinions," this makes me giggle a bit, "and I figure we could all go grab dinner afterwards." I'm a bit taken aback at first by the somewhat casual offer.  Meeting Emily is a huge step. But maybe I'm building it up too much in my head.  Still, I spend enough time not responding that Harry clues in on it immediately, jumping in, "I'm not trying to be flippant about this, about spending time with both you and your daughter.  I really do want your help.  Getting a chance to meet Emily is an added, amazing, bonus.  But I don't want you to feel pressured." How do I say no to that? I can't.  But I have to make sure there are boundaries, to shield her as long as possible. 

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