Chapter 20

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Natalie's POV

Sensing the bit of morning sunlight that seeps through a crack in the curtains, my eyes flicker open.  I can hear Harry's deep breathing behind me, gentle puffs of air ruffling the hairs on my neck.  Although he remains deeply asleep, as I start to stir, his arm tightens reflexively around me, like subconsciously he's afraid I'm gonna make a run for it. I have to bite my knuckle to keep from laughing, it's so damn cute.  But unfortunately, Harry radiates heat like a furnace, so the need to remove myself from the bed has become rather urgent.  Surreptitiously sniffing myself, I also realize that I smell like sex and don't want the scent to "ripen." It takes a few moments of careful maneuvering, but I manage to extract myself from his arms.  Turning around, I take my time admiring the view.  A sleeping, well-fucked Harry, is a really hot Harry. Damn.  I take in the wild sex hair, the bare chest, the slightly parted full lips.  I'm reminded of the first morning I woke up next to him, although this time I smile at the knowledge that now I've touched that skin, that I now know what those lips taste like, what they feel like...everywhere.  My mind immediately takes me back to the night before.  The man knows how to treat a woman in bed, and more than once he had me practically begging for it.  I can feel myself blushing at the memory. We didn't really come up for air until after two in the morning, which explains the way my hips feel slightly unhinged and unsteady. Leaning down, I leave a soft kiss on his temple before heading into the shower.

After brushing my teeth, I step into the shower. Once the door shuts behind me and I'm standing under the stream of water, giving me some distance from Harry, the first-time doubts start to creep in.  I think every woman experiences it in some way, after she's intimate with someone for the first time.  We wonder if it was too soon. We wonder if he'll lose interest now that the chase is over. We wonder if we were any good, or if he's comparing us to the women he's been with previously.  The usual.  For me, however, it's heightened.  In some ways, I'd resigned myself to being a widow, to closing the romance chapter of my life. Now, with the knowledge that I've opened myself up, not only emotionally but physically, I can't help but feel exposed, vulnerable.  While there are absolutely no regrets, the fear is still there, lingering just under the surface.  I'm so lost in my thoughts, I don't even hear the faucet running in the bathroom as Harry brushes his teeth, and when the shower door opens behind me, I practically jump out of my skin. 

The expression on his face is both adorably sheepish, and devastatingly sexy.  He does not even attempt to hide the way he shamelessly ogles my naked form, the wild halo of his hair making him look like a mischievious school boy.  Clearing his throat of sleep, he asks cheekily, "Room in there for two?" Biting my lip, I simply nod.  God, why am I shy all of a sudden?? When he furrows his eyebrows in a frown, I realize that I've reflexively crossed my arms over my chest.  Stepping into the shower and closing the door behind him, he steps up to me and gently pulls my arms away from my body, only to wrap them around his neck.  Leaning down, he whispers, "Don't do that. I was very much enjoying the view," before capturing my lips with his own, in a kiss that almost makes my knees buckle.   Cupping my backside in his hands, he presses me against the cold shower wall, chuckling as I squeal before deepening the kiss. It's not long before I can feel his hardening length between us, and I can't help sigh in anticipation.  Pulling away slightly, he glances between us with a devious smirk, before he deadpans, "Sorry, he's got a mind of his own." This makes me laugh out loud. Jokingly, I shove him away. "Harry, we are NOT having sex in the shower!" The almost offended look he gives me makes me laugh louder. "Why not??" he asks indignantly, like my refusal has completely baffled him.  Stifling my giggles, I respond, "Well, for one - you don't have a condom with you. As much as I would love to see your wet, naked ass sprinting across the hotel room to retrieve one, I think that could ruin the moment." He seems to shrug and nod slightly, acknowledging my argument.

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