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Renee's POV:

I feel a gentle shake and slowly open my eyes to see Gavin standing in front of me. I hear him ask something about getting food and me being me, immediately perked up at the mention of food.

I finally regained my full awareness on the elevator, taken only by Gavin, myself, and a boy who looked about seven. The capsule jumped to a stop on what I thought was the third floor. I stepped slightly closer to the unmoving doors. Looking back to Gavin, I noticed his worried glance. I looked at him quizzically, still not ready for a conversation that required mouth movements.

"Don't worry Renee, I'm sure it'll be fine in... Just a minute..." He sounded unsure of himself. I looked again between him and the door before stopping again on Gavin.

"Oh my God..." The boy started to say while he jumped to the door. "Oh my God, oh my God!" He clawed uselessly at it as he kept yelling louder and louder.

"Calm down kid, it's okay!" Gavin went to the kid and put his hands on his shoulders to calm him down.

"Wait, whats going on?" I asked them. My brain must have still been a bit fuzzy at this point. The still panicked kid answered with screams.

"We're all gonna die that's what's going on!" The boy yelled, "the elevator will fall and we're gonna go down, down, down, down, down until splat! It's what always happens!" The boy began to sink to the ground and eventually silenced out his screams in his knees. His light jeans began to become darker near his face, wet with tears.

"Uh Gavin? What's happening?" I stuttered.

"Don't worry, Renee, the elevators just a bit stuck between floors." He said slowly.

"Stuck? As in above the third floor?"

"Between the fourth and third floor that is, yes."

"But the third floor is... Is the food floor..."

"Wait what?" He sounded shocked.

"I was so close!"

"Your worried about food? At a time like this?"

"Duh I'm worried about food, I can hear it calling to me!" I yelled seriously.

"Renee we could die!"

The boy screamed again and began rocking back and forth.

"I would kill for some food right now."

"Renee really?"

"I would! Even that little boy!" I said jokingly. The boy didn't exactly understand.

"Oh God they're gonna eat me!" He jumped into a farthest corner and pressed himself against the walls.

"We're not gonna- Renee see what you did?"

"Sorry just trying to lighten the mood."

"With the topic of killing?"

"Most kids these days love that!"

"He's a little kid!"


"So he's terrified!"

"Which is why I tried to cheer him up!"

"Any death topic is just gonna make him think he's in the sequel to Devil!" Gavin yelled throwing his arms up.

"The what?"

"The sequel to Devil, i-it's a movie." He says exasperated.

"I know, but there's not a sequel."

"It was a joke Renee that's what made it funny."

"But it doesn't make sense."

"Yes it- whatever Renee, lets just deal with the problem at hand here okay?"

"Your problem with not being able to tell good jokes?"

"No, Renee, I- we are stuck in an elevator. We haven't even pushed the help button yet."

"The what?"

"The button. You push it for emergencies."

"I know Gavin, but why haven't you pushed it yet?" I sighed and punched the button.

"I was busy."

"No you weren't!"

"I was trying to defend myself against your vicious attacks on my jokes."

"My attacks weren't vicious, they were just pointing out how bad your jokes are." He sighed in defeat then leaned against a wall and closed his eyes. "So what, are we just supposed to sit here?"

"Pretty much." Gavin said not moving.

"Did anyone happen to bring any stuck-in-an-elevator games?" I asked, making the young boy giggle and finally look up for a moment.

"No I'm afraid I just left them in my other pants." Gavin said sarcastically. The boy slowed his rapid breathing just a bit. I slid down the wall across from the taunting doors. I stared at my distorted reflection in the steel doors. Somewhere on the other side of that door, a big plate of Chicken Alfredo was waiting for me, longing to be eaten.

"M-my name's J-Justin." The boy said to the floor, "you aren't really going to eat me r-right?

"No." Gavin and I said together plainly. He sighed and laid his head down on his arms and stretched out his legs. The elevator was so small even his tiny body stretched all the way across it.

It might have been the distinct lack of food in my stomach, but something like a gut feeling told me that this was going to be a long wait in the elevator.

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