When He Knew He Had Feelings For You

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     You had been working with Scott and Deaton for about two weeks. It was a particularly slow day, when a young woman ran into the office, "Help! Please, help me! She, she's going to die! I can't let her die!" She cried out, a lush white cat in her arms.
     "Deaton! DEATON!" You called for your boss as you went to the woman. Deaton grabbed the cat and Scott just watched the whole ordeal, knowing that going too close to the cat would make it go berserk. But he did watch you. As you held the crying woman in your arms, you said calming words to her, rubbing her back, and not complaining a single time about the woman clinging to you, wailing into your stomach.
     When Deaton came from the back with bad news, a tear slid down your face as the woman screamed. The cat was her mother's, not anyone you knew, but you still wiped away your tears and gently walked the woman to her car, recommending a pet store where she could maybe get a kitten of her own to love and promising her a free first check-up.
     Seeing you act so kindly made Scott realize just how great you are.


     Now that Stiles had seen you, he couldn't stop. Much to his surprise, the two of you were in quite a few classes together, neither of you previously paying attention to the other.
     Since your last talk with his father, your big brother hadn't been in any trouble, your little brother though, was an entirely different story.
     A group of upperclassmen had been teasing your freshman brother for being so small, so you approached one of them one day, greeting the tall boy with a swift punch to the face, your baby brother cowering behind you. You didn't really expect it - no one did - but the boy recovered and punched you back.
     One of them tried to attack your brother, but you jumped back in front of him, holding a pocket knife out to ward away the bullies. One hand was swinging the knife at anyone who stepped near you, and the other was wrapped around your brother's middle, holding him behind you.
     Eventually, the police showed up, Sheriff Stilinski escorted you and your brother out of the school, Parrish took your brother home as Sheriff Stilinski took you to the department.
     Stiles talked to you that night, asking all about your brother and the large bruise on your jaw. Seeing you as he did then, more fearless than any werewolf he had encountered, Stiles knew he had to have you.


     His father had just recently died. Isaac wasn't exactly devastated, but he felt some sort of sadness, nestled deep in his soul.
     There was a game that night, and Isaac really just wanted to be alone until then. He went to go sit on his former back porch, like he had often found himself doing, when he heard footsteps coming in the direction of his door. Peeking around the house, Isaac saw you, a single daisy in your hands with a small note card.
     In the first grade, your teacher had taken the class to the botanical gardens. You were sad that your mother couldn't make it to chaperone and to make you feel better, Isaac snatched up a daisy and gave it to you. Ever since, they'd been your favorite flower, and you even have the remains pressed in your favorite book.
     You had chosen the daisy for that reason, you were positive he wouldn't even think of the significance of it being a daisy, but he did. And as you scurried off before you could be spotted, Isaac grabbed the daisy and note from his front porch.
     Dear Isaac,
I just wanted to give you my deepest condolences. I know your father wasn't the nicest to you, but you're amazing and I'm sure he was proud of you. Even if he didn't say it. Good luck tonight.

     That night, seeing you sitting in the stands with your red knit cap on, Isaac realized how selfless you were, especially when it came to him. He wanted nothing more than to make you his indefinitely after that.


     The two of you had been flirting for a while, but to Jackson, it was like child's play. Flirting with a cute girl.
     He hadn't actually considered being with you until one game in the middle of the season. He was having an off day and had screwed up during a game. A member from the other team noticed Jackson's jersey over your hoodie and he cornered you against the stands, his arms trapping you.
     Listening in, Jackson heard the other guy dissing him and promising to be more satisfying than 'Beacon Hills' sorry excuse for a lacrosse player'. Jackson seethed. He didn't really know what he wanted you to say, but he wanted you to say something.
     You didn't disappoint as you sneered at the pig, looking down at him though he towered over you - a skill that seemed to run through Lydia and her friends - and scoffed. "You disgusting piece of hormonal garbage. If you were the last guy on Earth, I would choose Jackson's decaying corpse over you. Now whether you mind or not, I'm going to move before you force my fist into your nose."
     With that, you ducked beneath his arm and made your way back to Lydia, leaving no room for confusion in Jackson's mind. He wanted you, and he was going to get you.


     It was late one night. You couldn't sleep, and Derek found that he didn't want to. Often times, when you were feeling insomniatic, you would drive out to the woods and found a small tree to nestle inside of.
     Though Derek would never tell anyone, he would go out to reminisce good times, new or old. That night, though, on his venturing, Derek spotted you in the crook of two branches, the wooden limbs formed around you like a mother cradling her baby.
     You'd spent many nights in those woods, staring at the stars and clearing your mind, just as you were doing then. Derek just watched you watch the sky. With the light of the moon reflecting on you, you looked so beautiful, so... Magical.
     Derek couldn't help it. He tried to stop it, but nothing worked. When he watched you leave as the sun came up, your face was still in Derek's mind, and since then, he hadn't been able to shake it.


     Aiden was positive that you would be an 'only physical' relationship to him. Despite the constant aura of 'not physically interested' rolling off of you, he was positive that you - well, your body - was all he would want from you.
     It was a day just like every other though, the two of you stretching for P.E. when you grabbed the collar of his shirt and slammed your lips onto his. Once you finished, you smirked at him and continued stretching. It wasn't until then that it hit him, how badly that he needed you as his. A girl who could keep up with him.


     Parrish had become a regular at the diner. Sure the French toast was exemplary, but he liked seeing you. Liked trying to figure out how someone so beautiful came to work in a quiet little diner in the freak show that was Beacon Hills.
     One day, he came in and was greeted by a different worker. Just as he was about to ask about you, you walked into the front door. Instead of wearing the pastel blue dress you were usually required to wear for work, you had on your own clothes. "Y/N?" He called to you. When you turned and saw who it was, you smiled. "Jordan! Hey!" You walk to the table he's sitting at, "Do you mind if I sit here?" You asked him. Of course he said no.
     That day, you and Jordan just talked and laughed. He didn't know how you ended up there, but he was glad that you had.


     Beacon Hills and Devonford Prep were having another game, your team doing what you always knew they could - kicking Devonford into the dirt. You were cheering with everyone else, you and Finstock yelling together, but when Devonford scored a goal, your friends began to boo behind you. Despite them being annoying, they hadn't really done anything to your team.
     As your friends continued to boo louder than the cheers, you decided to go against the crowd. "Go Brett!"
"You can be faster than that!"
"Nice score, Talbot!" You cheered louder than your friends putting them down. Brett saw Finstock scold you, and used his werewolf hearing to listen to your words. "We don't like them booing us, so we aren't going to do it to them. They're good competitors, we should be proud we have a lead. Not acting like children. He's a good player, and if we can't keep our mouths shut, I'm going to give him his due credit."
     Brett felt himself smirk beneath his helmet. He'd liked you since you tackled that player on the field, but now, now he definitely knew you were Talbot material.


     The two of you were sitting in the school library after school to work on your reports on each other. Liam kind of already knew it was coming, but was hoping to postpone it for a bit.

     As you worked, you had subconsciously scooted closer and closer to Liam. When your arm touched his, Liam thought he was being attacked. His attraction towards you hit him like a ton of bricks. The warmth of your forearm against his, the smile on your face as you talked to him, especially the way you seemed to crave the warmth of his skin, leaning against him. It all became painfully evident.
     He knew it wasn't a good idea, he knew he should have probably fought harder to stop it, but he liked you, and he loved how terrifying it was.

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