I Don't Know Why [Liam Dunbar]

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Your hands are sweating and you can smell the anxiety on yourself. The pack is meeting at Scott's house and you've decided you're going to do it. You are going to talk to Liam and... Confess.. your.. feelings..? You've never done anything like this before so your body doesn't really know how to properly react to something so feelings-y.

When you open the door, all eyes land on you because - of course - you're late. Dumb feelings. Your eyes scan the room and even though everything in you wants to make your gaze linger on Liam, you skim over him just as you did everyone else so he can't read you like a book. "Sorry 'bout being late. I kinda just meandered here."

Scott narrows his eyes at you curiously, but it's Malia that speaks up. "Then why are you sweating? And your stench is distracting. Did you get attacked on the way here?" She fires away, rushing to put the pieces together. You nod and sit on the couch beside Stiles. "Yeah. If a mental attack counts." When you get nothing but blank stares, you shake your head.  "Never mind. No, I wasn't attacked. Continue with the meeting please."

Obviously, you don't pay attention at all, because you're too busy thinking about Liam: listening to his heartbeat, God, you can smell him. It's like pine and sandalwood and just so guy you can barely take it, and if you don't control yourself now, the you're going to - "Y/N! Hello! Can you go insane after we save our friends?" You push Stiles away from your face and shake your thoughts clear. "I'm tryin' here, Stilinski." When you look up and see Liam leaving with the rest of the pack, and you can't help yourself. "Wait!" Everyone turns to look at you curiously. Mentally kicking yourself in the face, you growl, "Not... not all of you. Oh my - Liam! I need to speak to Liam!"

Confused, Liam nods, causing you to act immediately, "Come 'ere." You command as you grab his forearm and lead him out of Scott's house. "Where are we - do you think maybe you can loosen your grip? At least lose the claws." You don't even realize your claws are out until he says something. "Sorry. We're going away from Scott's house, so the rest of our nosy little friends, don't have a door to listen through." Once you're about two blocks from Scott's house and you watch everyone drive past you, only then do you release Liam's arm. "Alright, Y/N. What'd you wanna talk about?"

It's now or never. You think to yourself. Don't be a wuss. DON'T BE A WUSS! "Y/N, you still there?" Before you can register the question Liam has just asked you, you're shouting at him. "I like you! I can't explain when or why it happened, so don't ask me. I don't know why I can tell that if I smell sandalwood and pine, it's you. I don't know why I try to make you laugh so I can see that tiny gap in your front teeth that you absolutely despise, but I find so adorably freaking boyish. I don't know -" He goes to say something, but you stop him. "No don't, just, let me finish, or I'll end up killing the both of us, okay Liam?" He nods - boyishly, of course - and your heart swells annoyingly. Stupid heart. Stupid Liam. "Okay. So no, I have no idea what it is about you that makes my hands sweat and my heart race and my brain hurt terribly, but the ache and the pain is so good that I don't want to make it stop you cute, stupid, stupid boy."

You finally look at Liam and you see him smiling, showing that irresistible little gap and your heart melts all over again before you realize, "You're smiling. Haha, you're smiling! Is that good?" You push his shoulder, your smile leaving. "Tell me if it's good!" Now Liam laughs and grabs your face in his hands and immediately, you calm. His hands are so soft and you can smell him stronger than ever and his eyes are - GET A GRIP Y/N! "I actually kind of like you too. I guess it doesn't hurt that you're cute." He smiles at you and you relax instantly, wondering why you've waited so long. "Liam. You don't know how badly I needed to hear that."

There it is again. That laugh of his. "Well, my lady, can I walk you home? You did get attacked on the way here." You smile at the smirk on his face. He called you his lady. The little jerk, making you feel things. "Of course. Plus, I need a big strong guy to protect me anyways. I only have fangs and claws and super strength and speed." The two of you begin walking in the direction of your house when Liam grabs your hand, "Hey, do you really like my gap?" You look down at your hands, then back up at Liam. "More than anything." He smiles at you at you mentally high five yourself. See, that wasn't so bad, you big baby.

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