7 Minutes In Heaven

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You and the rest of the pack laugh nonstop at the stories everyone's recollecting on. Stiles catches his breath and speaks again, "You know what game used to make me so mad? 7 minutes in heaven. Every time it landed on me, the game would suddenly end." You rub his back reassuringly. "Awe, it's a dumb game anyways Stiles."

Aiden scoffs, "Dumb game? Do you know how much action I got playing that game? Best game ever. Hands down." Isaac and Jordan speak at the same time. Isaac saying, "We should play right now." and Jordan saying, "I think I'm going to leave now..."

Derek nods at Jordan. "I'm with Parrish. This is a dumb game. A dumb children's game. I'll see you all later." Just as the two men get to the door, you cluck like a chicken, over and over. "Sorry, I don't know what came over me. I think I caught something from the two chickens in our midst." Aiden laughs, joining you. The men sit back down, both scowling. "Fine then. Let's play your baby game."

Isaac already has all of the things you'll need, "Well then, lets get started." He spins the bottle, the edge of it falling on you. "Alright. Get your lips ready guys." You joke, reaching into the bowl.


You pull Scott's name out of the bowl. "Okay, Scott, I uh, pulled your name." You say, taken a bit by surprise. You never actually choose anyone you really want. At least, you never did.

As the two of you make your way to the closet, Stiles whoops, "That's my boy!" You nod, chuckling a bit at his tactics and Scott blushes. Taking a deep breath, you step into the closet, Scott following in behind you. "Enjoy it man." Aiden says as he closes the door.

You and Scott both search for the light, neither one of you able to find it. "Hey, Y/N?" Scott calls out. You hum in response. "Can you take a deep breath for me really quick?" A nervous chuckle passes your lips, but you comply and inhale as much oxygen as you can. Scott hears your heartbeat accelerating as he gets closer to you. "Just relax okay? And, tell me if you want me to stop." He mumbles against your mouth, getting closer with every word.

His lips collide with yours and you just stand there for a while, trying to feel what he's doing with his mouth. When you feel him about to pull away, your hands shoot to his shoulders pulling him back to you. "I had to see what to do first." You explain between kisses. Scott smiles against your lips, "Quick learner."

"Thanks." You respond just before the door is yanked open. "AHA!" The two of you jump apart, looking at Stiles sheepishly. "Nah, I'm just kidding, you still have three more minutes. I just needed to make sure Scott wasn't chickening out."

Stiles laughs at his comment a little bit. "Get it, because he's a wolf? They eat-" You cut him off, before the situation can get anymore awkward. "Stiles, you said we had three more minutes right?" You say, nodding towards the door he's leaning on. "Oh, OH! Yeah. Enjoy, my friends." He says before the door pulls closed.


You look at the little scrap of paper, trying to dissect the scribbles and apparently blindly drawn figures. "Whoever wrote this needs to go back to elementary. This chicken scratch is garbage." You say holding the paper up. Stiles grabs the paper, mumbling to himself. "Please be me, please be me." He looks closely at the paper and jumps up, "8tila8! That's me!" Stiles says enthusiastically, dropping his arms to his side as everyone looks at him strangely.

"I meant, Y/N. Hey. We have to go into the tiny, secluded space. Lets go." He says, grabbing your hand. "Alright. Open 'er up in 7." You respond, closing the door behind the two of you. "So, Stiles. What would you like to do?"

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