Chapter 6~The Factory~

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The rest of the night consisted of everyone gathering supplies and weapons from around the house. Tara grabbed her bag of knives and silver plated stakes, Jake ran upstairs to get a baseball bat that was studded with silver nails, a late invention of his. Meanwhile, Bailey and I checked the house security, grabbed our own collection of weapons and ate the last few tacos we had for dinner. Then it was time to leave. The old factory was about an hour away. If we drove fast enough, we could make it there before Fabian died, if he wasn't already torn apart. 

Who am I kidding? He's a vampire. He can take care of himself. Right?

God, please tell me he's okay. 

"Cmon!" Baily yelled to our little group as he ran out the front door into darkenss. "We need to hurry up!" I followed him out the door and jumped into his black S.U.V. Tara climbed into the front seat with Bailey and I Jake clambered in after me. As the car started, I felt Jake's warm hand squeeze mine. I squeezed his hand in return and soon we were off. It was pitch black around the town. Fortunetly, the local builders were kind enough to stick a few street lights here and there, just recently. That was all the light we needed.

"Why can't we ever do this sort of thing in the middle of the day?" Tara frowned. 

"Because, Tara, in case you haven't noticed, we're on a vampire rescue mission. And unless you've forgotten, vampires are kind of alergic to sunlight." Bailey looked over at Tara, and I'm sure I saw some sign of affection in his eyes. I nudged Jake and pointed to the couple in the front seat. He looked, and smiled.

 "I knew it." He whispered under his breath.

"What was that?" Bailey asked.

"Nothing, bro, nothing at all" He winked at me. I sighed. Boys will be boys, right?

FInally, after several anxious minutes, we arived at the stupid factory. I really didn't like this place. I've almost died here on multiple occasions and I wasn't exactly thrilled to be going back. We all jumped out of the car, loaded up on weapons and headed in. It was pretty dark inside, but luckily, I had the initative the bring some flashlights. I chucked one to Tara and kept the other one to myself.

"Why didn't I think to bring any?" Bailey whispered.

"Because these were the only two we have in the house" I whispered back. "We really need to stock up on these things you know".

The factory was a two storey building, but it was very large and very wide. The two front doors opened into a big room with random doors scattered here and there. I didn't want to know what was behind them, and I didn't to find out. There was a balcony around the side of the room that went around for miles. I knew there was a staircase on each side of the room because I've had the mis-fortune of being here before. Fabian could be anywhere.  We started walking forward, slowly and cautionsly. I heard a noise from upstairs and jerked my head upwards.

"What was that?" I whispered.

"Probably just the wind or something. Cmon, let's keep going." Jake whispered.

What wind? There is no wind Jake. Don't try to calm me down. 

"Okay, so I'm thinking we look through the bottom floor first, check all the rooms, and then look upstairs." Bailey whispered to us. Oh great. An oppertunity to look through all the rooms I didn't want to see. Excellent. We creeped up to the closest door we could see. Tara placed her ear against the door. 

"It's pretty quiet." She informed us. That was good news at least. Or really bad news. Depending on how you look at it. Quietly, she creaked the door open. We stood in the doorway and looked inside.  It looked like a small office room. There was an upturned table in the corner, along with several droplets of blood. That can't be good.

"Okay" I breathed. "Nothing in here. Lets check room number two."

The next three rooms were exactly the same, but each contained more blood. I was a bit nervous about what we would find in room number five. I was right to worry.

Slowly, we crept up to the door. Tara cautionsly opened the door. We all stood and stared inside, not quite beileving what we were seeing. Lying on the floor, decapitated and covered in blood, was a.  . . I don't even know what to call it. A thing? It looked like a mutant spider, but bigger. About the size of a pit-bull dog. It had two massive staring eyes, that were covered in tiny little ones, like a fly, or a spider. There was a metal pipe sticking out of it's left eye, for some random reason.

"Well, I think Fabian has been here" Tara whispered to us. We all nodded in agreement. I don't think any of us felt comfortable being in that room any longer, so we all turned to leave. As we're going, I hear a faint humming noise. It seems to be getting louder and louder. Soon the others notice it too. Suddenly I realize it's not humming. It's growling. And it's coming from the room next to us.

"Guys, I'm pretty sure that's not Fabian. Can we. . .like. . . run?" Tara doesn't bother lowering her voice. I'm not surprised, really.

"Yes, let's run" I reply. We start running towards the stairs. Suddenly, a loud banging can be heard. I'm pretty sure the thing is trying to get out of the room and eat us or something.

I'd rather not be devoured, if you please.

The banging stops, and I can hear something running behind us. Great, it's faster than we are. Just great. We run upstairs in search of a decent hiding place. We find a small room and run into it.

"Shut the door! Find something to barricade it with!" Yells Jake. We manage to find a large piece of wood recently used as a wooden leg from the table that is lying on the ground as a pile of splinters. Bailey shoves it across the door and we all hope to god that the thing won't bash the door down. Suddnly it's quiet. Really, really quiet. I can hear footsteps though, they walk past the door, getting further and further away. I sigh with relief. Maybe the thing hasn't seen us.

Suddenly the door comes flying open and it's sitting there, mouth wide open, blood dripping from it's fangs. It's the same thing we found in the other room. 

Except this one was alive. 

We sprung into action, grabbing our weaopns and trying not to get eaten by what I've decided to call 'Grossnasty'. Grossnasty runs around the room like a rabid animal trying to get at us. Suddenly we heard a whistle, coming from the down the hall somewhere. Grossnasty retreats slowly, growling at us as it goes. I hear footsteps approaching. They get louder and louder. 

"Fluffy!" A familiar voice yells out. "Retreat! What are you after this time?" Suddenly, a figure is standing in the doorway A familiar face comes into view.

"Fabian!" Tara screams and runs up to hug him. Fabian puts up a hand to slow her down.

"How many times to I need to inform you, my dear lady? I am not the hugging type." Tara settles for a handshake instead. 

"So, you're not dead then." I say to Fabian.

"Obviously not" Fabian sneers at me.

"Can I just take this special moment to ask you a question, Fabian?" Bailey says.

"Of course"

"Why, the hell did you call that thing fluffy!?"


Hey guys! I'm so sorry for the long wait! But hopefully, you'll enjoy this chapter. I've made it longer than my usual ones :)


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