Chapter 1

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I loved him. If that even still matters now. I really loved him. I still love him. 

 My eyes started to drown behind tears. I looked at the heart shaped locked, the swirling patterns on it had started to smooth from being held so much. I stared at it and let myself remember. Sometimes it was okay to remember. I sat down and remembered the how I met Chance Groves. How my life had been completely shattered and then put back together.


I sat down on my front porch. It was the middle of July and the heat was killing me. I sat there drinking melted slushees and fanning myself while I watched the moving van across the street. I know, I know, A teenage girl sitting alone in the middle of July? Sounds strange right? Well, while most girls were out there, having fun, flirting with guys, doing whatever, I studied. Not that I hated Kansas. Well, I did actually, I hated my small town and all the people that lived here. Nothing ever happened. That was why I was going to move out of state and go to a college far from here. My biggest goal was just to move out of was just to move out of the Midwest. There's nothing good in it anyways, so why bother staying?  I kept looking at the movers dragging out box after box out of the white van. I took out my ipod and started to listen to some music.

My eyes started to drift from the movers to the family that just seemed to got there stepping out of their car.

There was a tall man, probably the father, in plain shorts and a white collared shirt, he looked about mid-20's to early 30's. A woman wearing skinny jeans and a hollister sweater, These people CAN'T be from the midwest if that's their mom. Just sayin'. They both had dark brown hair, I couldn't really tell much from my porch.

Then 3 kids stepped out of the car. Two boys and a little girl. I'm such a creep. I should stop looking. But I couldn't. After seeing their parents I HAD to know what they looked like.

The little girl wore a pink tutu with mix matching leggings and shoes, she had curly brown hair and was dancing around the car waving a wand. I smiled, it's been awhile since I've seen a little kid dance around like that, being an only child, I used to rely on my cousins for that, but now they're all too old. The youngest boy had light brown hair and was wearing blue and white plaid shorts with a light blue v-neck shirt. He looked about 13. There wasn't much to him, he walked into the house talking on his phone. Wooow... 

Then I saw the oldest boy. My mouth literally dropped when I saw him. He had long shaggy blonde hair. He had on black skinny jeans and  a white tank top. As he was going up the stairs to the house he turned around and saw me staring at him. I couldn't really see his eyes, but his face was thin and he was smiling.

He stood there for a second, as if he was thinking about something, and waved at me. I being the dork that I am, turned bright red and shyly waved back to him.His smile got even bigger and he climbed back down the stairs. I started to realize he was walking towards me.

Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god! What do I say?! What do I do?! Should I go inside? Should I try to flirt? Maybe I should hide my book! Oh my god, Oh my god! He stopped right in front of one of the moving vans. He seemed to be thinking.

He shook his head, looked both ways and crossed the street. I was blushing SO bad. I tried hiding my book, then decided against it and put it in my lap. Then I decided to sit with my legs crossed, then un-crossed. WHY AM I SO NERVOUS?! He stopped by the front gate.

"Hey." He said as he leaned on it. His voice was perfect. It didn't sound low, yet it wasn't too high. Up close he was even more breath taking. He had soft brown eyes that looked so sure of themseves. He had full lips, but not outragously full like Angelina Jolies, but they looked good. He had a nicely shaped nose..and big round eyes. It's weird to say he had a nicey shaped nose, but he did, it looked just right.

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