Cat and mouse.

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I would like to say that all of these story's are completely unrelated. Just so y'all don't get confused.


As I walked into the shop a bell rang. The lady slumped at the counter was a frail old thing.
"Someone turn the alarm off," she mumbled. Her hair looked like it had been in curlers half it's life, and her lips were coated in bright pink lipstick. She started to slap around as if looking for an off button, eventually falling off the counter with a thud. Her eyes were like giant pink snow cone with a white circle, then a black dot in the middle. This lady definitely needed a make over.
"You girl, why did you interrupt my afternoon nap?"

"Because you're not meant to be asleep?" I said, puzzled.

"Wrong answer! I am. We're closed, see?" she said in an angry tone, walking over to the door and flipping over the sign angrily. I was positively baffled by this point.

"You're ad says you're open from 8am-5pm."

"It's wrong! I'll go change it know," she said, putting her hands on her hips.

"Well, what time are you open?" I asked.

"I don't know," she said. "How am I supposed to know that?"

"Because it's you're shop!" I yelled.
"Oh for heavens sake, just buy what you need and get out of here." I gabbed all I needed, which wasn't much, went to the counter and put my stuff down. The lady, barely glancing at my stuff, snapped, "$28.50."
"WHAT?!" I screeched. Calming down.
"Here you go." I said, handing her a handful of plastic coins from my little brother. I was out of that shop like a mouse from a loose cat's paws.

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